Saturday, June 10, 2023

"Needs Based" And "Race Based". Let Me Tell You About The "Grandfather Laws"


Saturday, June 10, 2023

"Needs Based" And "Race Based". Let Me Tell You About The "Grandfather Laws"

Let me clearly state my view on this : I have said this before - We cannot do away with the race based policies. For those of you who are deaf (or blind) let me repeat - We absolutely cannot do away with race based policies. Ok I will get straight to the point - we absolutely cannot do away with the pro-bumiputra and pro-Malay policies. Not for a long time yet. (All Malays are bumiputras but not all bumiputras are Malays). 

I have also said this before - you get rid of the Affirmative Action policies and this country will burn to the ground. Let us be clear about my thinking on this subject. Whether you agree or disagree, that is your right. This is a free country. This is my view.

But in the most recent manifestation of chameleon camouflage it was said that there will be no more race based policies but instead they will be replaced by needs based policies.

There is some snake oil being sold here. What is to stop the chameleon's people  from saying that only one race seems to have the greatest needs. Hence they have no choice but to continue focussing the new 'needs based' policies on the same race that is in the greatest need? Reams and rolls of statistics can be easily produced to justify their "needs". So we will be back to square one. 

There will be no difference between race based and needs based when the same race is also touted as the race with the greatest needs. What does this mean? It means other races who may also be needy will have to stand at the back of the line.

There was something called the Grandfather Laws in the post-Civil War America. After the American Civil War ended in 1865 there was still much discrimination against the recently emancipated black slaves.  

The white people wanted to prevent the black people from moving forward. So they created all sorts of legal obstacles to keep the black people down. Some of them were known as the 'Grandfather Laws'. For example to prevent black people from registering to vote they passed laws which said that to qualify to vote you must show proof that your grandfather could read and write. Ridiculous as it sounded that is what they said and did. At that time many blacks themselves could not read and write, let alone their grandfathers. (Or their grandfathers were back in Africa).

So it was back to square one - the blacks were free but they could not vote.

Why not we keep it simple and fair.  If the Malay student with a B average or a C average  applies for a medical seat let him in. 

At the same time if the Indian or Chinese student with all the required As and Bs applies for a medical seat then give it to him as well.

In other words, every Malay and non-Malay student who qualifies,  according to the DIFFERENT entry levels required for Malay and non-Maly students, then let them get their medical seats.

The Affirmative Action should help the Malays and bumiputras with less qualifications. That is Affirmative Action. No one disputes this. I dont.

But it should NOT prevent or be an obstacle for the non-Malays and non-bumiputras who have already qualified. Keep it simple.

We have more than enough resources in this country for every one.



  1. Ah...yes... And you wonder why the Singapore Dollar is equivalent to RM 3.3 and still rising.
    And why even Melayu politicians , Melayu elites and their families go to Singapore for medical treatment when they are seriously ill..

  2. Affirmative action of any kinds CANNOT last forever. Thus, too the grandfather's laws!

    There is a catch that this syed kotak ignored. When would that affirmative actions need to stop?

    It's all good & happy when u can clearly define the deficiency within a large gap, especially across the racial chasm in a country like m'sia, where existential requirements & historical packages divide the populace.

    Right now, m'sia has a fast depleting Nons to be used as a convenient scapegoat for ALL f*cking sopo disenchantments instigated by the melay - palsu &/or tulin

    But what would happened when that Gini fissure has grow to become intra-race - ie amongst the same group of people with different sopo-induced & religious feudalistic hierarchies? When that supposedly B40 group of mono-race defined people reach middle income &/or top tier & yet still wantonly demand affirmative actions over their truly down&trodden kindreds?

    U would have genocides likening to the Rwanda massacre where same race different income hierarchical groups come into loggerhead.

    The Nons build this country, with blood, sweat & tears over the years. The masqueraded bumiputras wear it down to 3rd world state happily!
