Sunday, June 18, 2023

As M'sia climbs TIP ranking, MCA wants more done to protect locals

As M'sia climbs TIP ranking, MCA wants more done to protect locals

MCA has urged Putrajaya to improve efforts to address the trafficking of Malaysians who fall victim to overseas job scams.

In a statement, MCA international bureau deputy chairperson Neow Choo Seong (above) said many Malaysians still fall victim to such scams.

"Since 2021, MCA has received an increased number of reports or complaints from the public, seeking help to rescue those job scam victims abroad. We witnessed many victims who lost their money to these syndicates, and their lives were also at risk.

"MCA hopes that the government could make efforts to address this issue. To keep our people safe, MCA stands ready to assist the government in tackling human trafficking issues, including the alarming overseas job scam syndicates," he said.

In recent years, many Chinese-speaking Malaysians have been lured to Myanmar and Cambodia for meaningful and high-paying work.

However, this was usually a ruse by Chinese syndicates to recruit slave labour for operating telephone scams targeting victims in China.

Several political parties have been working with other groups to help secure the release of these Malaysians.

Neow said Malaysia needed to increase efforts in combating human trafficking, given the progress made to move up the US State Department's annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report 2023.

"MCA congratulates the home minister, the police, the immigration department and other relevant agencies on the latest development. We must give credit where credit is due," he said.

1 comment:

  1. Malaysia continues pussy-footing around the issue of China-based criminal gangs in Malaysia, those involving on-line fraud and scams, as well as job scams.
    The lack of action is defining.

    The on-line scam syndicates have been dubbed "Macao scams" when they really should be called "China scams" but no one dares to name the elephant in the room.
