Thursday, November 17, 2022

‘Leaked’ text on ‘destroying’ Tok Mat a fake, says KJ

‘Leaked’ text on ‘destroying’ Tok Mat a fake, says KJ

Three-term Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin (left) has made way for Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan in the constituency in GE15.

PETALING JAYA: Khairy Jamaluddin says a purported “leaked” WhatsApp conversation of him urging someone to sabotage Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan’s bid to be elected Rembau MP is fake.

In a Twitter post, the former Rembau MP said reports will be lodged with the police and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) against the account that posted the fake conversation.

“There’s no need to spread black ops slander like this. Reject slander and dirty politics. Focus on taking care of Sungai Buloh,” said Khairy, Barisan Nasional’s Sungai Buloh candidate.

Khairy was the Rembau MP for three terms but made way for Mohamad, also known as Tok Mat, in this general election.

The ‘leaked’ WhatsApp conversation purportedly involving Khairy Jamaluddin.

The alleged screenshot of messages purportedly from Khairy made the rounds online, with a person named “Boss KJ” using expletives and telling the recipient of the texts to “destroy” Mohamad in Rembau.

“Boss KJ” had also promised the recipient that he would make him his political secretary when he became prime minister, adding that all he needed was five years.

“Split the vote, don’t make it obvious,” said the screenshot. “(Ismail Sabri Yaakob) is useless and will fall. As deputy prime minister I will take over.”

1 comment:

  1. The particular text may not be genuine, but it is undeniable there there is no love lost between KJ and the UMNO top hierarchy.
    All the KJ campaign talk promising to do this and that after the Elections is unrealisable.
    The UMNO top hierarchy sent him to "Siberia" to pandai-pandai sendiri Hidup atau Mati.
