Thursday, November 17, 2022

GE15 not about changing PM but saving country, says Anwar

GE15 not about changing PM but saving country, says Anwar

Pakatan Harapan chairman Anwar Ibrahim has urged Malaysians to take the opportunity to use the power in their hands this Saturday.

PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Anwar Ibrahim has called on Malaysians to exercise their democratic right and vote this Saturday, saying the general election is not about changing the prime minister but saving the country.

“Every five years, you have the power to determine the direction of the country. Every five years, you have the power to decide what kind of government you want.

“Take the opportunity to use the power of democracy that is in your hands,” he said in a special address.

Citing the rising cost of goods and the poor standard of education as being among the main issues faced by the people, Anwar said it was the government’s duty to ensure that the country was managed responsibly and that public funds were not wasted on corrupt practices.

“The government must guarantee that the people are provided with the basic necessities of life, such as good schools, sufficient food supply and access to good healthcare and skilled doctors,” he said.

Anwar, who is contesting the Tambun seat, said the welfare of the people could only be ensured if a stable government was elected at Saturday’s polls.

He added that PH could offer stability and implement policies that would restore the country’s economy as well as promote Malaysia’s diverse cultures and ethnicities.

“Once PH forms the government, I will never allow hatred to spread. I emphasise that hostility and hatred between races have no place in our country,” he said.

“We (PH) will embrace and cooperate with all the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans and Orang Asli to shape a brighter future for the country.”

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