Thursday, February 10, 2022

Political corruption: DAP offers 'proof' for MACC

Political corruption: DAP offers 'proof' for MACC

DAP today refuted MACC chief Azam Baki's claims it was difficult to prove corruption among lawmakers who switched parties.

In a statement today, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said there were several instances when the MACC took no action despite complaints.

First was Rozman Isli's (Warisan-Labuan) claim he was charged for corruption because of his refusal to defect.

Lim pointed out Rozman's claim remains unchallenged by the MACC. Rozman's allegations have been submitted as evidence in court.

Secondly, Lim said the MACC also did not take action against former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin who was allegedly depicted in an audio clip stating that political positions and positions in GLCs could be used in exchange for political support.

During the Muhyiddin administration, most government MPs were appointed to a position where they could draw another paycheque.

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (BN-Gua Musang) was among those who publicly stated that he was offered a position by Muhyiddin's government but the former said he declined.

Razaleigh's voting record in the Dewan Rakyat shows that he does not back either the Muhyiddin administration or the current Ismail Sabri Yaakob-administration.

Third, Lim pointed to Steven Choong (PBM-Tebrau) who publicly stated Muhyiddin promised him an official position that would address economic woes after he defected from PKR.

In March last year, Lim challenged the MACC to take action against Choong following this revelation.

Lim added that also in March last year, several Harapan MPs publicly made allegations they were offered inducements to defect.

One of them was Natrah Ismail (Harapan-Sekijang) who claimed Muhyiddin's agents offered her "benefits" in exchange for defecting.

In view of this, Lim urged the MACC to explain why there was no action taken based on these revelations.

Lim said that in his case, he was charged for corruption even though proceeds from the alleged corrupt act was not found in his possession.

"Further, there is no need for cash as bribery to be involved, the offering or appointment of government posts or positions in Government-Linked Corporations (GLC) is tantamount to bribery," he said.

Lim is currently on trial for allegedly abusing his position in 2011 as the then chief minister of Penang to solicit gratification from Consortium Zenith Construction.

He was also accused of receiving RM3.3 million as an inducement. He also faces charges of misappropriation of state land to two private companies.

Lim has repeatedly stated in public that he never received the alleged corrupt money.

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