Thursday, February 17, 2022

Outrageous - Single mum barred from meeting kids again, 'higher' permission needed

Single mum barred from meeting kids again, 'higher' permission needed

Single mother Loh Siew Hong expressed deep disappointment for not being able to meet with her three children who are currently under the care of the Perlis Welfare Department.

She was supposed to meet her children in Perlis today but was told by the department that she cannot meet them.

Met in Butterworth today, Loh was in tears as she was earlier overjoyed when she was told that she could meet with her children - a pair of 14-year-old twins and a 10-year-old son.

Loh had bought them presents, thinking that she could gift her children watches, shoes and jackets.

"The Welfare Department told me they needed permission from higher authority before I could see my kids, why?" She queried.

"I am their mother, all I want is to see them. This has nothing to do with race or politics.

"I don't care if they were Muslims, Hindus or Christians, I am still their mother and I want to have them back," she added.

Earlier, Loh was briefly reunited with her children after her then-husband Nagahswaran Muniandy took them away and unilaterally converted them to Islam three years ago.

They are presently in the care of the Perlis Welfare Department pending the outcome of a habeas corpus application set for Feb 21 at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur.

Today, Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin said there would be no issue if Loh's children wanted to return to their mother, but he said the children are unwilling to do so.

"My children have been brainwashed by certain quarters. They do not know how much I have struggled to see them, to take them back.

"One day, they will know what their mother has been through to get them back," she cried.

Loh and her husband Nagahswaran separated in March 2019 and subsequently, her children were taken from her.

It was reported that Nagahswaran abducted the three children in Loh’s absence to be converted to Islam and placed them in an Islamic centre in Perlis. He is now in prison for a drug-related offence.

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