Thursday, February 10, 2022

From Australia with love from Nur Sajat, and eff off Lebai

Sajat’s ultimatum: “Show me RM2 mil first and I shall gladly return home”

FAMED/CONTROVERSIAL cosmetic entrepreneur Nur Sajat has taken a swipe at Malaysian authorities, demanding to be paid RM2 mil for her “to gladly return to her homeland”.

Fielding questions from her fans over a recent 45-minute Instagram live show, the owner of Nursajat Legacy Cosmetic Australia said the RM2 mil price tag would at least mend her sorrow given that she has nothing left to look forward to in Malaysia.

“If I come back to Malaysia, what do I get? Show me the RM2 mil first …. Otherwise, (dpn’t even think) about asking me to return to Malaysia,” she said in between promoting her corset/girdle range of beauty products.

“I have everything here (in Australia) … tell me why I need to return home. If I return to Malaysia, I cannot wear sexy dresses that are too revealing or expose the curvy parts of my body.”

Moreover, if she really did return home, Sajat said that she dreads that people would blame all the natural calamities in Malaysia on her simply because of the way she dresses.

“The ustaz, ustazah, minister of religious affairs, JAIS (Selangor Islamic Religious Department), JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) will claim that when Sajat is dressed in that manner, we are in cohorts with a sinful human being,” rambled Sajat.

“Then there will be allegations that God is angry, the sea will be hit by strong waves, strong winds will blow away roofs, the earth will start cracking … all because of Sajat and the way she dresses.”

Sajat went on to say that she no longer wishes to be a victim of hypocrisy as people who always tell her to repent are also the most corrupt people around.

“I rather be here (in Australia) if people (continue to) think (that I’m still behaving) in an unruly manner … the irony is that even without me, typhoons, massive flooding and landslides are still occuring in Malaysia.”

The fact that the transgender businesswoman has no intention to ever step foot in her homeland is further fortified by her decision to dispose of her prized bungalow in Jalan Polo, Kota Damansara for RM9.5 mil.

Property agent Nadhia who is entrusted to manage the sale of the house on Sajat’s behalf told the mStar news portal recently that the latter decided to part company with his property as she harbours no intention of returning to Malaysia.

Elsewhere, Malaysian cops are also tracing Sajat to assist in their investigation into a fraud case involving a change of identity card information.

In a statement yesterday (Feb 8), the Ampang Jaya district police headquarters said Sajat is a witness and is required to attend the trial proceedings of the case at the Ampang Jaya Court on Feb 22.

“Any party with information can contact the investigating officer Inspector Mastura Abdul Basher at 018-205 3955,” read the statement. – Feb 10, 2022


  1. Hohoho...what the Aussies consider as persecution and discrimination against a person for their gender preference is non-extraditable...

    1. Nur is only required as a witness, which she can do online

  2. I say "Good for you, Nur!"

    F**k the police, f**k the hypocrite "holy men" who wish her harm. Let them play with their ding dongs
