Friday, February 04, 2022

Dr M’s ‘shoo’ controversy and his daughter Marina

Dr M’s ‘shoo’ controversy - memory gaffe or selective memory?

YOURSAY | ‘Marina’s ‘apology’ didn’t even call out her father as perpetrator of the remark.’

Marina apologises for gaffe attributing Dr M's threats to rival Ghazali Shafie

Dr Raman Letchumanan: I think the gaffe by Marina Mahathir was intentional, hoping no one would pick it up. You were successful in having that gaffe in your book, largely because many may not have bought the book and read it.

But when I read your column in the Sunday Star (yes, I do buy the print version of the weekend Star to see the other side of 'news' reporting), I immediately knew it was a grave mistake, more so blaming the gaffe on his late political rival.

Was it deliberate? Lies are not printable, period. Even so, it should have been immediately corrected. Your father didn't correct you?

So I see your apology as not sincere, but as someone caught lying through the teeth and trying to sound apologetic.

I admired your writings once, but now I see you and your father acting as good cop and bad cop. We have a long list of such noble people who seem virtuous but turn turtle at some point in time. Just look at our (Dewan Rakyat) speaker.

It also begs the question if blatant lies can be published and propagated as truth, what about opinions, views, advocacy, preaching, etc. I guess anyone with power, authority, rich or famous can publish whatever rubbish they want in any media.

By the way, I used to travel almost every fortnight to Asean countries in my official line of work. One could see the tremendous progress in leaps and bounds in these countries. We are now lower in terms of GDP compared to Vietnam. At this rate, soon, we are going to be the sick man of Asean.

At that point, it is Malaysians who will turn into 'boat people' seeking livelihood on the shores of Vietnam, Cambodia or Indonesia. But I trust our Asean neighbours would not 'shoot us on sight'.

Lord Black Adder: The irony is that the Vietnamese boat people left for greener pastures, and the new generations have done well in the countries that chose to adopt them as citizens.

Some have even returned to their country of origin, seeing it in much better shape now than the country whose shores they landed on to seek refuge.

Meanwhile, the coastal villages in Malaysia where the boat people first sought sanctuary are still living in abject poverty.

Be A Blessing To Others: Indeed, many of the Vietnamese who were forced by your father to continue their journey to Australia and New Zealand are doing very well.

Especially in Australia, prices of food such as vegetables and fruits are down substantially due to these hard-working refugees. Because of our narrow-minded leaders then, our loss becomes other countries' gain.

Leyla: ‘The Apple and the Tree’? What an apt title to describe you and your dad, Marina.

By the way, I studied and lived in Australia for several years. Made a few good Vietnamese friends during my university years (back in the 90s), all of whom were actually interned in the Pulau Bidong and Sungai Besi refugee camps.

The Vietnamese refugees and their children have flourished and become very successful as a community in Australia.

BlueCrab6133: I once thought Marina was a genuine commentator on the ills manifested in this nation, mostly due to the evil that her father unleashed.

Now, it is becoming more and more apparent that the gift for disguising and repackaging wicked intentions and deeds is a trait that can be passed on from father to daughter.

Disgusting is a word that comes to mind. No one believes you anymore, Marina.

BrownCheetah9736: While I can't forgive Dr Mahathir Mohamad for all the damage he has done to the country, I personally understand Marina's memory malfunction. In her father's final years, she will have a very selective recollection of her father's deeds as a daughter.

I would suggest to Marina to just privately remember her father as a child would of their parents. Please stop eschewing articles and books touting the greatness of the man and whitewashing his sins publicly. It makes me want to puke.

RZee: We don’t believe you, Marina. We all remember that Mahathir said “shoot” (on sight any ‘boat people’ entering Malaysian waters) and then he said he meant “shoo”. Please do not hide behind the fact that you were a teenager trying to make sense of the world.

Some of us were teenagers then and could see your father’s, and now, your hypocrisy. We were not stupid, and you certainly were not stupid. You just accepted and condoned all the wrongdoings of your father, then and now.

Sina Belawan: The founders of three major religions - Buddhism, Christianity and Islam were refugees. Gautama Buddha founded Buddhism. Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. Prophet Mohammad is the founder of Islam.

All over Malaysia, we find mosques, temples and churches as Malaysians are followers of these religions, as well as Hinduism, etc.

However, it is a shame Malaysia is not a signatory to the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its protocol despite hosting thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

JazliSalleh: Thanks for apologising, Marina. Not many Malaysian politicians apologise even when their mistakes are pointed out. When wrongs are not corrected, it creates anger and frustration among the rakyat.

That is why many cannot forgive and forget the many damages done by arrogant politicians, including your father and also some so-called religious figures.

I hope people like you can lead the way to change this culture that is so deeply entrenched in our society today. Thank you again.

Vent: Excuse me? Why are you even giving any credit to the duplicitous daughter of that evil man who 'apologised' without calling out her father as the perpetrator of that barbarous remark?

As for being an agent of change? Really? The apple never falls far from the tree. She is as insidious as her father, although he wears the crown of perfidy.

1 comment:

  1. As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water, and in a situation like this, she is defending the indefensible! Indeed, we do not expect bad apple trees to produce good apples.
