Thursday, March 11, 2021

Santiago wants (impossible) police probe on Hadi for causing political instability

MM Online:

Klang MP accuses Hadi of triggering political instability with Sheraton Move claim, wants police probe

Hadi wrote an opinion piece on March 7 claiming the Sheraton Move had been a long-term plan that started immediately after Election 2018 which catapulted the PH coalition into power. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri

KUALA LUMPUR, March 11 — Opposition lawmaker Charles Santiago wants the police to investigate PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, whom he alleged to have created political instability in Malaysia with his recent remarks about the collapse of the previous Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.

The Klang MP said the “bloodless coup” in February last year through the now infamous “Sheraton Move” was an attack against Malaysia’s democracy and that Hadi should be called in for police questioning since the latter seemed to “know more” about how it began.

“Hadi and those who were privy to the plan leading up to the Sheraton Move must be made to understand that it’s not a bloodless coup but the dismantling of democracy.

“It was a travesty to the people who exercised their voting rights.

“We, the elected representatives and the people, therefore deserve to know the truth and more importantly the culprits who choreographed the toppling of a democratically-elected government,” Charles said in a statement today.

The DAP politician said the police had been quick to act in previous alleged attempts to create political instability in the country and questioned the lack of “fervour in questioning PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang, who said the coup to overthrow Pakatan Harapan was planned right after the last general election”.

“The stock market was down, investors fled and potential investors were mortified, the people’s vote became redundant and we are still reeling from the after-effects of this coup.

“Didn’t this create political instability?” Charles asked.

Hadi, the prime minister’s special envoy to the Middle East with a rank on par with ministers, wrote an opinion piece on March 7 claiming the Sheraton Move had been a long-term plan that started immediately after Election 2018 which catapulted the PH coalition into power.

The Marang MP also insisted that the move that saw the fall of the PH administration towards the formation of Perikatan Nasional (PN) among former political rivals Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, Umno and PAS was constitutional.

“The change from PH to the PN government was done in a democratic manner and in accordance with the Federal Constitution with the most accurate move, without ‘poking holes through the roof’ or going through the backdoor,” Hadi wrote.

Charles added that the remark by Hadi reminded him of another controversy caused by “ruthless individuals” in 2018 when the then PH government announced plans to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).

“That incident became explosive and pitted different communities against each other, again creating a tense environment in our multiracial country,” Charles said.

In 2018, PH came under furious criticism from PAS and Umno after then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced his government’s intention to ratify ICERD.

At that time, Hadi claimed the ICERD was a ploy by the Freemasons to destroy religions, race and Malaysia and called on all God-fearing Malaysians to unite and oppose the anti-discrimination treaty.

The Prime Minister’s Office later issued a statement announcing that the PH government will not ratify the ICERD and that it will defend the Federal Constitution in which is enshrined the social contract agreed to by the representatives of all the races during the formation of the country.


  1. Is this why Hadi, Special Envoy to the Middle East, did/could not accompany Yiddin on his ME trip?

    Listed as terrorists, Hadi denies Muslim scholars’ group similar to LTTE
    Tuesday, 15 Oct 2019


    KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 — Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang insisted today that the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), of which he used to be a leader, is not a terrorist group unlike the now-defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

    The president of Islamist party PAS said such accusations, including by local lawmakers, were due to its critics’ alleged lack of knowledge regarding the group.

    “I assume those who made such statements do not understand the entire picture and is unsure of the difference between LTTE and the IUMS,” he said while debating Budget 2020 in Parliament.

    “Maybe they have overlooked the diplomatic relations between Qatar and other nations, as the IUMS is more towards being an NGO, based on intellect, and not based on arms and violent conflict.”

    The Marang MP was asked to explain the difference between IUMS and LTTE, with two local state lawmakers having since been arrested by police for their alleged involvement with the latter group.

    “The IUMS comprises Muslim scholars of various disciplines to forge closer ties among Muslims in terms of intellectual knowledge.

    “It is more unfortunate when government MPs, without knowing, say the battle in Sri Lanka is the same as the fight [of IUMS], as this contradicts the actual reality,” he said.

    Hadi was appointed as one of IUMS’ vice-presidents in 2014, but has been chided by its president Yusuf in 2016 after his visit to Iran, a key backer of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s regime amid violence in the strife-torn country.

    The Qatar-based IUMS is a group of Muslim scholars headed by Egyptian theologian Yusuf Al-Qardawi, whom Saudi Arabia has also accused of having links to terrorism.

    Besides Saudi, the group is also designated as a terrorist organisation by three other Gulf states: Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.

    Malaysian police says PAS president not deemed a threat after report alleges link to terror group
    NOV 25, 2017

    PETALING JAYA (THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK ) - The Malaysian police has said it is aware of an Arab news report that cited connections between an alleged terror group and the president of the opposition Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS), Abdul Hadi Awang, but said that he has not been deemed as a threat.

    Inspector-General of Police Mohamad Fuzi Harun said he was aware of the report when contacted by The Star.

    "As far as Malaysia is concerned, there is no threat from his (Hadi's) involvement in the group," Tan Sri Fuzi said.

    He added that the police will be monitoring the developments.

    In a statement released through the Saudi Press Agency on Friday (Nov 24), the Anti-Terror Quarter - which consists of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain - declared the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) a terror group. Hadi is vice-president of the IUMS.

    The Qatar-based IUMS was formed in 2004 and is headed by the influential Dr Yusuf Al-Qardawi, who has also been named by the Saudis for links to terrorism.

  2. Still remember the photo of Hadi and Mahathir embracing, Hadi pledging support for Mahathir.

    Looks like either Mahathir got duped, or they both duped Harapan, or both could be true.
    Could be they were plotting together all this while to bring down the Harapan government.

    There is no doubt Mahathir lost in the end, because he lost the PM job, surely THAT was not his intended outcome.

  3. In increasingly Komunis-style Malaysia,
    Hadi, like all Senior Party Leaders has effectively complete immunity.

    1. In China, Towel-head will be shot for corruption, with his family having to pay for the bullet.

      In China, the Bushes, Blair, Cheney, Madeline Not-All-Bright, Colin Powell and those cohorts who participated in the invasion of Iraq killing 1.2 million innocent civilians and 500,000 children with fake 'evidence', will be facing the firing squad in complete immunity like in the West for them, to go around earning millions in 'talking fees' and invited to weigh in Liar-Media like BBC, CNN, Fox News.....

    2. U know communism with Chinese characteristics?

      In CCP hierarchy, u will not be safe if u have zilch proven clean records!

      A bullet to the back of the head with a token coffin - sooner or later!

      That's 天道 in the ancestral wisdoms listed under the 丧民祸国 punishments.

      But western propaganda shit eaters, like this mfer, would twist it as abangadik personal fortune conflicts - safe under the party immunity from ALL faults.

      Before u fart yr heart out, do think about that in yr western demoNcracy there r also pardon bestowed upon well-connected criminals by the all-powerful top echelons of the administration.

  4. this santiago is as naive as hker.
