Saturday, March 13, 2021

Raja Bodek boasts of more frogs for PN


Annuar: ‘7 or 8 more’ opposition MPs will defect to PN

Cabinet minister Annuar Musa expects up to eight more opposition MPs to defect and support Perikatan Nasional.

This comes hot on the heels of Kuala Langat lawmaker Dr Xavier Jayakumar’s move to quit PKR to become a pro-PN independent MP.

“Actually, there are more, including MPs, who are prepared to give their support to the PN government.

“I have been made to understand that aside from Xavier, there are seven or eight more of my friends who are MPs who have indicated that they are prepared to support (PN),” he reportedly told a press conference in Putrajaya this afternoon.

However, Annuar declined to reveal the names of the MPs in question.

“There is no need. If I mention it, someone will deny it when in fact that is the reality.

“Politics is dynamic. If people say they want to leave, others will want to join.

“Did you hear someone saying they want to leave? In politics when someone says they want to leave, it is like the laws of physics. Every action has a reaction,” he remarked.

Annuar did not specify who he was referring to.

Umno recently communicated to PN lynchpin party Bersatu its decision to cut ties once GE15 comes around.

Meanwhile, according to the Umno Ketereh MP, opposition lawmakers were drawn to PN due to the government’s performance.

“If our government performs, more will be prepared to support us.

“That’s why the government’s job now is to focus on carrying out its responsibilities including for Covid-19, economic recovery, racial unity and political stability,” he said.

Earlier today, Annuar’s fellow cabinet minister Azmin Ali similarly hinted that more defections to PN were expected.

Aside from Xavier, Julau MP Larry Sng and Tebrau MP Steven Choong recently quit PKR to back PN.


  1. like tat boss baru happpy.

  2. So, this Annuar fellow is allowed to roam free and not questioned by Police for his breach of Covid 19 protocol.

