Saturday, March 13, 2021

Dozens of MACC officers going around in Sabah, claims Tuaran MP


Dozens of MACC officers going around in Sabah, claims Tuaran MP

Upko president Wilfred Madius Tangau said he had not been approached by the MACC as he was just an ‘orang kampung’ with ‘no value’. (Bernama pic)

KOTA KINABALU: Upko president Wilfred Madius Tangau has waded into the claim that the ruling Perikatan Nasional (PN) government is using key institutions to shore up its razor-thin majority in Parliament.

Expressing his surprise over PKR vice-president Dr Xavier Jayakumar leaving the party, the Tuaran MP also alleged that “more than 70 MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) officers from Kuala Lumpur had been deployed to Sabah”.

“I think the MACC officers are also going around meeting MPs. That’s all I know.

“So there is pressure on the MPs, something like that mentioned by PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail earlier today,” he told FMT.

Asked if he was approached by the MACC, he jokingly said: “I am an orang kampung (rural folk), I have no value.”

Tangau, whose party, Upko, is part of the Warisan Plus state opposition coalition, had earlier this week denied a report that claimed he was one of two Sabah MPs ready to switch support to PN.

Saifuddin had claimed today that a “senior minister” had contacted Xavier, telling him to support the PN government or face serious consequences.

He said the Kuala Langat MP had told the leadership that the MACC had made him a “target” of a plethora of investigations, including the arrest of his political secretary, personal aide and other acquaintances in relation to an ongoing case.

Saifuddin said on a larger scale, the authorities were being allegedly used by the PN government to shore up support due to its razor-thin majority in Parliament and, hence, more defections could be expected.

In a Facebook post this morning, Xavier announced his immediate resignation from PKR, saying he would continue to serve his constituency and support the current government as an independent MP.

Xavier’s resignation comes after two other PKR elected representatives, Julau MP Larry Sng and Tebrau MP Steven Choong, quit the party last month and declared their support for Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

Meanwhile, Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin said he was unaware whether what Tangau alleged was true, adding that he had not been approached by the MACC.

“But if it’s true about using key institutions to apply pressure, then don’t rule out the possibility of state assemblymen also being targeted, besides MPs,” he told FMT.


  1. In PN's Komunis Malaysia, all State Organs are belong to the will of the Party.
    The Party is Supreme, paham ?

  2. red/green guards wandering everywhere.

  3. Wakakakakaka…

    Party is irrelevant here!

    Only race, religion twisted into a f*cked Ketuanan agenda matters.

    & mfers, like u, deeply entrenched to support it for yr doggie existence.

    Everything else r just printed colours if yr choice.

  4. Batty and partner-in-bigoty the MonstrousBigot are truly pathetic...if they can't win by using facts, truths and logical reasoning, they resort to snarky remarks and innuendo on a daily basis, with almost every comment. Adoi.. pathetic betul, kesian la, wa ka ka ka
