Saturday, March 13, 2021

Deputy Religious Affairs Minister Ahmad Marzuk Shaary now scared of proselytization of Malaysian Muslims

MM Online:

More steps to be taken to prevent spread of non-Muslim religions to Muslims, says deputy minister

Ahmad Marzuk said Putrajaya will request the states which already have enactments to control the propagation of non-Islamic religions to Muslims in place to further enhance their enforcement activities. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

KUALA LUMPUR, March 12 — Deputy Religious Affairs Minister Datuk Ahmad Marzuk Shaary said the respective state governments will take steps to ensure that religions other than Islam will be further limited in propagating their beliefs to Muslims.

The minister in the Prime Minister’s Department said the Federal Constitution already empowers the states and the Federal Territories to amend their laws to control and curb the propagation of non-Muslim religions.

“This power is derived from Article 11(4) of the Constitution, which stipulates that everyone has the right to worship and practise their faith as they see fit, but may not propagate or influence others into practising their religion,” he said in a Facebook post.

To this, Ahmad Marzuk said Putrajaya will request the states which already have enactments to control the propagation of non-Islamic religions to Muslims in place to further enhance their enforcement activities.

“We are also in the process of tabling the enactment for the Federal Territories, which I informed Parliament on November 26 last year,” he said.

Ahmad Marzuk also sought to allay the concerns of the wider Muslim public, in wake of the High Court’s ruling on Wednesday that the 1986 ban on the usage of the word ‘Allah’ in Christian publications is unconstitutional and invalid.

“Many are concerned as to what will be the fate of the Muslim ummah following this decision. From a legal perspective, there are differing views on the usage of the word ‘Allah’, with some permitting it while others forbidding it.

“In this, I am in agreement with Marang MP Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, who said we should not forbid its usage altogether by non-Muslims but that there should be a limit. Indeed our main concern is the attempts by some non-Muslims to use the word ‘Allah’ to spread their teachings to Muslims,” he said.

The Pengkalan Chepa MP said the intent of using the word ‘Allah’ should be scrutinised, not just as a matter of faith but to determine the intent of its usage.

“If the purpose of using the word ‘Allah’ is to confuse or offend Muslims, then there must be boundaries set on how the word is to be used.

“Everyone has a role to play in ensuring the harmony and unity of the country. We should respect the basis that has been laid down in the Federal Constitution,” Ahmad Marzuk said.

Wednesday’s ruling also saw the High Court rule in favour of Sarawakian Bumiputera Christian Jill Ireland Lawrence Bill, affirming her constitutional rights to not be discriminated against in the practise of her faith.


kt notes:

Bloke is concerned about proselytization of Malaysian Muslims but late last year he had the interfering intrusive invasive kah-poh-chnee (KPC) mentality to say "The government has not ruled out the possibility of expanding the ban on the sale of liquor at sundry and grocery shops, convenience stores as well as Chinese medicine shops, in other states, besides the Federal Territories.

Eff you and stay out of non-Malays' areas of interests.


  1. Note:
    The self-proclaimed protectors of the boozers (MCA and MIC lah who else ha ha ha) have yet to mumble a single word to protest. After Sheraton Shake they kept silent when the backdoor gomen shut down Carsberg and Heineken breweries, MCO kot....

    Wee KHAT Siong was so eager to introduce tougher anti-drink driving laws to please PAS' Ahmad Marzuk, even though there is no evidence to show that drunk driving was a major cause of accidents, but only the few cases that result in fatalities get highlighted by the local press.

    So Wee KHAT Siong can introduce this law in quick-as-a-fiddle 4 months after Sheraton Shake but UEC one year has passed since Sheraton Shake still no poop or peep, still need another six decades? So desperate to keep your Jaga Kereta job?

    And KHAT syllabus in Primary 4 textbook no more an issue? 2021 TARUC matching grant sudah masuk akaun....?

    Still need to learn karate and beg for eggs(telur) to fill MCA's empty basket?

    20 years in jail, RM150k fine await drunk drivers, says Dr Wee
    By Arfa Yunus - July 15, 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR: Those found guilty of driving under the influence and reckless driving may be looking at heavier punishments including 20 years' jail and fines of RM150,000.

    Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said this will happen if the proposed amendments to Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333) are agreed in the cabinet and passed in the Dewan Rakyat soon.

    Wee revealed the gist of the proposed amendments to the Dewan Rakyat today when asked by Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim (Umno - Arau) on the type of penalties that Malaysians can expect from Act 333 before the former tables it in the House.

    Wee said the proposed amendments include first-time offenders facing similar heavy penalties of 15 years in jail and RM100,000 fine.

    Currently, the penalties for first-time offenders are 10 years imprisonment and a RM20,000 fine.

  2. This was Wee KHAT Siong in 2015, telling grandmother stories to defend TCM shops but today so Boh Lam Phar......what has changed? MCA sudah jadi fren fren dengan PAS...?

    Dr Wee: Traditional medicine shops should not be banned from selling alcohol
    JUNE 2, 2015

    KUALA LUMPUR: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) shops should not be banned from selling alcohol, says MCA deputy president Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong.....

    .....Dr Wee further noted that TCM shops had been selling alcohol for decades, with the shops’ predominantly Chinese customers using it for health reasons.

    “When my grandmother was alive, she would take one small cup of alcohol every day. She was never hospitalised and lived to the age of 89,” he said.

    Dr Wee added that the proposed ban would affect the livelihoods of traders.

  3. The name Jesus Christ is used as swear word all the time, even in everyday conversation, Christians have to grin and bear....isn't Jesus a Muslim prophet? Muslims not offended?

    The first prophet was Adam, who was also the first man, created by Allah in his image. Others were Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Musa (Moses). Dawud (David), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad.

  4. Yup, this is Islam as practised in Malaysia at its finest.

    Only in Malaysia, Truly Asia

  5. Jill Ireland is NOT, and never was a Muslim , and Zero evidence of any proselytising activities.

    Why are laws ostensibly empowering prevention of propagation of non-Muslim religions towards Muslims being used against Christians simply practicing their own religion ?

  6. likewise only patriots can become xi diciple.

    communist also read bible?

    1. Like to katak's dying wish to upstage that demoNcratic fart to qualify as a whatsoever disciple!

      Katak read Das Kapita & twist it as a byproduct of capitalism!
