Memang putar-balik politik Terengganu yang baru terjadi ialah misteri yang sangat anéh.
Okay, nanti dulu sebelum saya teruskan post ini dalam bahasa - seperti yang diketahui wakakaka bahasa kaytee adalah terhad, kaku maupun dodgy, wakakaka. Maka janganlah marah kalau kaytee salahgunakan perkataan yang menyinggung perasaan atau membinggung kalian.
Ketawa bolih, tapi ingat, jangan marah, wakakaka.
On 2nd thoughts, when I'm stuck I'll resort to English, Chinese (Penang Hokkien plus a few choice words in Canto and Mandarin) and Tamil swear or sexy words, wakakaka.
Merujuk kepada FMT's Kenapa Ahmad Said 'turn back', misteri politik UMNO mungkin tidak bagitu bermisteri, sebaliknya merupakan politik UMNO yang biasa dan dapat didugai, yakni politik katak untuk tujuan 'tertentu' wakakaka.
Walaubagaimanapun, sandiwara reconciliation di UMNO harus terus belaku untuk bangsa, negara dan gaya - ingat pepatah Melayu: Kalah ta'apa, tapi gaya mesti ada ... wakakaka
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will we still be married on Saturday? I can't continue holding this posture forever my legs are killing me |
Artikel FMT menyebut:
Sumber yang rapat dengan PAS memberitahu FMT, dua hari sebelum majlis angkat sumpah menteri besar yang baharu, Ahmad Said telah menghantar Bendahari Umno Bahagian Kemaman, Abdul Sidek atau lebih dikenali sebagai Haji Dol menemui pemimpin PAS.
Haji Dol beritahu pemimpin PAS bahawa Ahmad Said akan bawa enam orang Exco keluar dari Umno dan sanggup mengadakan kerajaan campuran dengan PAS di Terengganu. Maka PAS negeri membuat mesyuarat tergempar pada hari yang sama.
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I bear gifts but rest assured I am not Greek wakakaka |
Wah, karn neen nare ley, chia lart lah (dashyatnya) - 'ni seperti kelakuan ADUN Bota di Perak 2008, walaubagaimanapun sesuatu 'kelakuan' yang cepat 'gostarn', dimana aiyoyo Manmanlai terlanggar, wakakaka.
Maka, Ah Jib Gor bergerak dengan pre-emptive strike pantas kilatnya a la Shaolin Praying Mantis kungfu - hmmm, mungkin itu sebabnya nama beliau Ah Jib Gor atau Ah Jib Sifu, wakakaka.
FMT melapurkan:
Ada yang menganggap penangguhan peletakan jawatan itu adalah helah Ahmad Said untuk membeli Exco-Exco yang ada. Ramalan ini tepat apabila seorang Exco yang enggan menyebut nama mengesahkan kepada FMT bahawa bekas menteri besar itu memang berhasrat membawa beberapa exco ke luar negara selepas 12 Mei. Apabila info ini diketahui oleh Najib, maka Najib bertegas supaya Ahmad Said tetap meletakkan jawatan sebagai menteri besar pada hari yang sama.
Sebab itu Setiausaha Agung Umno, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor dihantar ke Kuala Terengganu pada petang yang sama untuk memaklumkan peletakan jawatan Ahmad Said dan pada malam yang sama diadakan majlis angkat sumpah menteri besar baharu seolah-olah ia diadakan secara tergesa-gesa.
Malah ada sumber yang rapat dengan Ahmad Said berkata bekas menteri besar itu tidak dimaklumkan majlis angkat sumpah itu. Sebab itu Ahmad Said tidak hadiri majlis tersebut.
'Dah jelas Ah Jib Gor memang bukan Sultan of Somnambulence wakakaka!
Maka, lapuran FMT Analysts fault Najib for T'ganu crisis yang kata: he lacks foresight as Umno’s supreme leader. “He should have known that this would happen,” analyst Khoo Kay Peng said in an interview with FMT. “Most people do not take losing their perks and benefits favourably” mungkin chai sai (knows sh*t), wakakaka.
As Ah Jib Gor might have said, Pordah atau Lu keehorlang k**, wakakaka
FMT menyebut: Seorang pemimpin PAS kanan tidak setuju dengan tindakan Ahmad Said itu. Dia kata bekas menteri besar itu boleh dipercayai ke? Dengan Umno sanggup dia kencing, apatah lagi dengan PAS nanti. Katanya, lebih baik buat kerajaan campuran dengan Umno daripada kumpulan Ahmad Said.
Memang bijak, dan juga nasib baik Ah Jib Gor bahawa PAS bukan parti taxi sapu, wakakaka.
FMT teruskan: Sebab itulah pada malam 13 Mei Ahmad yakin enam orang Exco akan keluar bersamanya. Sebaliknya dua orang sahaja yang ikut Ghazali Taib dan Roslee Daud (Bukit Besi). Tiga orang lain menafikan keluar dari Umno iaitu Datuk Mat Jidin Shafie (Permaisuri), Nawi Mohamad (Hulu Besut) dan Ir Rosli Othman (Kemasik).
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there were six wah, PAS 14 + PKR 1 + frogs 6 = 21 vs UMNO 11! |
Misi Haji Dol gagal sebab itu Ahmad Said kata ada orang PAS melamarnya supaya beliau masuk PAS padahal PAS Terengganu tidak setuju kumpulan Ahmad Said buat kerajaan campuran dengan PAS.
Since PAS considers UMNO members as apostates, to wit, non-Muslim, I wonder whether that includes an additional non-negotiable requirement for the alleged frog to have a kosher PAS circumcision as well, wakakaka.
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mana pula 3 yang lain? wakakaka |
Apabila dua ADUNnya “turn back” iaitu Roslee Daud dan Ghazali Taib, maka Ahmad Said tidak ada pilihan terpaksa kembali menyertai Umno ...
... jika tidak kes SPRM terhadapnya akan diteruskan.
Sumber SPRM memberitahu FMT failnya masih dalam penyiasatan dan berkata ia bukan masa yang sesuai untuk mendakwa Ahmad Said sekarang. Tetapi apabila beliau “turn back” maka fail itu sudah tentu tidak akan dibuka lagi.
Maka pilihan Ahmad kembali ke pangkuan Umno dapat menyelamatkan dirinya. Mungkin jawatan Duta sedang menanti beliau selepas ini.
Kaytee dah tulis di post Unbelievable Unreliable Unfounded Rumours (1), mungkin ke Antarctica wakakaka, but I guess that he won't have a long tenure in UMNO.
Mind, I heard HRH likes him because of his jokes. Perhaps he can find a new career in this, wakakaka.
Now, do you think Najib ought to send Hadi Awang or the PAS Commissioner in Terengganu a basket of fruits? Wakakaka.
Cukup dah, mamak dan chi'thi (ah pek & ah ee), aneh dan tambee (ah hnia & ah tee, me being Teochew lah, wakakaka), kaka dan tangachee (ah chee & ah mui), otak kaytee pun capek liao lah selepas usaha cuba menulis post ini dengan menggunakan bahasa, wakakaka.
Hi Kaytee,
ReplyDeletei saw your blog by accident yesterday and find out that you really have very good sense of humor to write. Very interesting to read. Thumbs up. Keep up with it.
Welcome aboard, mate.....from an avid reader and sometimes commentator here..... you might be a few years too late, but better late than never, as the cliche saying goes. Read on and enjoy lah....KT's impartial views, spot-on analysis ( most times lah ) and his wicked sense of humour, happy wakakaka-ing away.
ReplyDeleteRolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off....
Actually what is the menaing of KTemoc ? I beleive Kaytee is your name, right ?
kaytee MOK(c) wakakaka
DeleteI like the wakakaka. damn hilarious.
"Laugh, and the world laughs with you ..." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Deletelol. too funny. as i was reading through the artcle, then just as i started wondering what did the sultan see in Ahmad Said to be his choice for MB in 2008 seeing how low he appears from the latest drama, comes out the answer ie he likes his jokes. wakakaka court jester
ReplyDeleteYou have missed a lot of things. The fact that Mooh Mooh flew over to terengganu to meet with terengganu aduns while those aduns were asked to come down to KL to see Jibby. Doesn't that warrant suspicions. Power struggle I suppose. Well everything seems to kow tim but.........PAS has initiated the motion of no confidence......Let see if the speaker allowed the motion to be debated. If the speaker doesn't not allow the motion to be debated, hehehehehe.......
Not sure why you say Jibby got to thank PAS when PAS knew that Mat Said wanna play punk in order to squeeze as much retirement fund from Jibby. Me guess Jibby paid at least 10 millions or more to these jokers. Or some cushy cushy jobs. Hahahaha! Larry Hagman taught Mat one what
One major thing that kaytee has really missed out......That's affecting the constitution (So much for kaytee fighting for the sanctity of constitution) is
The neutrality of speaker in the dewan
The Terengganu state legal advisor had said some shocking things........
Speaker is part of ruling government......
I wonder why kaytee missed out on this
Fact i$....Ktemoc i$ a Najib lover, either pure and $imple, or impure and fully paid up....
Deletelooes, as usual you made comments without reading what I have written, which means you're talking cock but I suppose that's your democratic rights
Deleteas for my tongue-in-cheek post title "Jibby got to thank PAS", are you telling me you took that literally? wakakaka
and as for Anon above, I'm sure he has his reasons for accusing me of being "fully paid" by Najib BUT since he hasn't list those reasons, I have to call him (or her) a bullshitting Myrmidon moron, wakakaka
Why do I have a feeling that your "outburst" remind of Professor Timothy Fielding in NTNON? I believe NTNON inspired the The Noose in Singapore.
Be a sport la! You have missed out on the speaker bit. You harp so much on the royalty. Then bipartisanship but miss out the neutrality of speaker
Anyway, enjoy your trucking
I like the way another blogger summari$ed the i$$ue.
ReplyDeleteNajib i$ the expert on thi$ method of $ettling $uch cri$i$
Terengganu cri$i$ i$ over
$orry folk$. The 'eth' key on my laptop i$ jammed. I have to u$e the $ instead.
Thi$ i$ from The $tar
KEMAMAN: The political cri$i$ in Terengganu i$ over. Former Mentri Be$ar Ahmad $aid i$ back in Umno along with the two BN a$$emblymen who left the party with him.
Confirming hi$ return to the fold at a pre$$ conference at hi$ private re$idence in Kijal ye$terday, Ahmad pledged hi$ full $upport for hi$ $ucce$$or as Mentri Be$ar, Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman.
The Kijal a$$emblyman earlier expre$$ed $upport for Prime Mini$ter and Umno pre$ident Datuk $eri Najib Tun Razak at their meeting in Putrajaya after a “mi$understanding” had been cleared up.
Ahmad $aid the mi$understanding wa$ over the date of hi$ daughter’$ wedding.
Alamak $o that$ what it wa$ all about. Just a $illy old mi$under$standing over a $imple wedding. We went to the election$, voted for the party and $illy thing$ like that to put an effective gomen in place.
Anyway a little bird called ye$terday and $aid that Ahmad $aid wanted 18 million duck$ for the daughter'$ wedding khenduri. That wa$ obviou$ly a gro$$ miscalculation. 18 million duck$ i$ way too many. Finally Ahmad $aid $ettled for a much $maller number. But $ome duck$ were delivered.
$o the Terengganu cri$i$ i$ over
Yay....crisis sudah ober.....G$T akan selamat kita bila Umno habis $$$$ beli bermillion-million itek tu. Guys....take your pick for the future of our nation - bankrupt pure and simple, or bankrupt with whodud. We are living in interesting times....for those who are still alert, complacency could kill.
DeleteKaytee,to simplified the episode of the Ahmaid Said circus fiasco.It all comes in with a big brouhaha and ended in a shameful and disgraceful taste.
ReplyDeleteFirst we have a always squabbling and silat fighting couple who find no pleasure in their marriage.So they have a trial separation.And the spouse tried to jump into bed with the other half's competition.Only to be snubbed and rejected and not getting laid.Being horny and just needed that tiny carrot,the spouse have no other choice but to shamefully beg to go crawling back to the other half.But not before shaming both halfs as the news have reach the other end of this universe (thanks to the internet).
A bunch of beautiful flowers and expensive orchids are on the way.And of course beef and lamb rendang.With Thai chendol for desert.