Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Zelensky's wife buys one of the most expensive hypercars in the world


Zelensky's wife buys one of the most expensive hypercars in the world

The wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Elena, has purchased one of the most expensive sports cars in the world – a Bugatti Tourbillon hypercar for 4.5 million euros. This was reported by Verite Cachee , citing an employee of the Bugatti showroom in Paris.

According to media reports, Zelensky's wife was shown the new car two weeks before the official presentation, and she decided to order the hypercar.

At the moment, the production of 250 cars of this brand is planned. The Bugatti Tourbillon is expected to be handed over to Elena Zelenskaya in 2026.

Earlier, Elena Zelenskaya told the media in an interview that at some moments she feels that she is close to psychological exhaustion.

Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian president's wife spent $1.1 million in the expensive Cartier boutique on New York's famous Fifth Avenue. — Mockba 24


And …

‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription

The autumn cannot arrive soon enough for Dmytro, when his handlers have promised to get him out of Ukraine.

For the past month, the 31-year-old photographer from Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, has been holed up in his flat, rarely stepping outside, to avoid being conscripted into the army. “I want to leave the country. My mind can’t take being trapped here any more,” Dmytro said.

Since the start of the war, thousands of Ukrainian men have illegally crossed the Ukrainian border to dodge conscription, despite a nationwide ban prohibiting men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving.

Attempts to flee the country are expected to increase after Ukraine’s recent adoption of new sweeping mobilisation measures, which allow the military to call up more soldiers and impose stricter penalties for draft evasion.

“I never thought about leaving until the mobilisation laws were introduced. But I can’t stay in my flat forever,” Dmytro said. — The Guardian

Our Take: It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.

These two stories perfectly showcase the current dichotomy in today's world between the elitist reprobates who see themselves as the keepers of mankind against the backdrop of overwhelming suffering among the commonfolk.

Zelensky's wife is so shameless, she would make Marie Antoinette blush.

And that cash is our money.

This is all so obscene and grotesque, yet so necessary. The world must see it all for what it is. A scam. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Democratic governors reportedly waiting in wings after dire Biden debate


Democratic governors reportedly waiting in wings after dire Biden debate

With the White House scrambling to prevent Joe Biden’s candidacy being enveloped in a full-blown crisis, several state governors were said to be subtly positioning themselves as late substitutes while avoiding being seen to do so.

The Biden campaign has launched a counter-offensive, including furious networking among senior Democrats, to counteract fears that the 81-year-old president’s frail appearance in last week’s debate had made defeat at the hands of Donald Trump in November’s election inevitable.

But while several governors – seen as the next generation of Democrats’ leadership – have publicly avowed loyalty to Biden, they are keenly watching for slippage in Biden’s already fragile poll standings and a loss of support among donors in the next two weeks.

“The temperature is high,” one Democratic governor told Politico, referring to the state of mind among the party’s state leaders . “A lot of anxiety, a lot of folks at the edge of their seats.”

Gavin Newsom, the governor of California and a key Biden surrogate, defended the president immediately after Thursday’s disastrous debate performance, saying he would “never turn my back” on him. But he was widely seen to have expressed ambiguity by saying that he was ready “to step up”. — The Guardian

Our Take: This is fun to watch. Publicly, all the Democrat leaders are backing Biden and downplaying Thursday’s devastating debate. But, reportedly, behind closed doors, it’s another matter.

Tucker Carlson reported that he had a ‘reliable source’ claiming that Barack Obama is now supporting an open convention. Since he is widely believed to be the one calling the shots behind Biden’s low energy muttering and soiled diapers, Obama’s directly likely carried weight.

If Tucker’s reporting about Obama is true, that means Democrat politicians are brazenly lying to their voters while they figure out what to do next. Not a trust or credibility inspiring move at this particular moment.

Perhaps the funniest bit of all is that, while these governors are ‘ready to step up,’ unfortunately it’s not their turn. ‘…even if Biden stepped aside and opened up a nominating contest at the Democratic national convention in August, Harris would be the clear forerunner.’

That’s tough considering Kamala’s polling is usually several points behind Biden’s — and Biden has obvious dementia.

The election could be called for 45 right now.

This summer is going to be fiery. Let’s see if democrats can keep it mostly peaceful. — Ashe in America

Another Take: All this public panic, and yet, the biggest names associated with the Dems in the Collective Mind are standing pat … for now.

As Just Human and I floated Sunday night on DEFECTED, this particular series of deployments by the Old Guard in the establishment make sense when viewed through Patriot Control framing, and I'm not even talking about direct control over these players.

Many in the truth community (particularly Q followers,) as well as those who've follow the research of Jon Herold on the potential implementation of Devolution by the Trump Admin believe that Joe Biden is either directly or indirectly working for patriots.

If it's direct control, it's likely the result of Biden being a Cooperating Human Source consummating his end of a plea deal. If it's indirect, it's via the Game Theory inherent in Devolution.

Following the Debate Disaster, Obama and Clinton set the narrative for the Old Guard, standing pat with Biden despite their media underlings pulling the knives out.

What this suggests to me is that the Old Guard isn't afraid they might HAVE to replace Joe.

They're afraid they might not be able to. — Burning Bright

CPI: A note from Borneo

Murray Hunter

CPI: A note from Borneo

Article 4, 153, and the supreme leader of the nation

JUN 21, 2024

Article 4: No law directly affecting the privileges, position, honours or dignities of the Rulers shall be passed without the consent of the Conference of Rulers.

If Article 4 was amended on redundant clauses, the Conference of Rulers doesn't enter the picture.

In any case, the Conference of Rulers, as institution of tribal and feudal Chiefs, stands redundant.

The Agong should be elected by the people as head of state i.e. wielding sole executive authority which cannot be kept. It can only be delegated, by Administration, for Prime Minister and Council of Ministers appointed by Agong. Ministers, but not Prime Minister, can be sacked by Agong.

No court can go against Agong if he decrees minority Prime Minister and/or unity government. Parliament enters the picture.

The Great Council of Chiefs in Fiji, for example, was abolished not so long ago. The Maharajah in India was history after 1947.

Malaysia, having written/codified Constitution unlike for example unitary state UK, was governed by Constitutional supremacy, not parliamentary sovereignty.

No Constitution can go against itself. There cannot be permanent discrimination. Sunset clause means there's expiry date. Sunset clauses cannot be extended or substituted by new forms of abuse of power under prerogative and discretionary powers as euphemism.

Article 153: (1)It shall be the responsibility of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

(2)Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, but subject to the provisions of Article 40 and of this Article, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall exercise his functions under this Constitution and federal law in such manner as may be necessary to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and to ensure the reservation for Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak of such proportion as he may deem reasonable of positions in the public service (other than the public service of a State) and of scholarships, exhibitions and other similar educational or training privileges or special facilities given or accorded by the Federal Government and, when any permit or licence for the operation of any trade or business is required by federal law, then, subject to the provisions of that law and this Article, of such permits and licences.

(3)The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may, in order to ensure in accordance with Clause (2) the reservation to Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak of positions in the public service and of scholarships, exhibitions and other educational or training privileges or special facilities, give such general directions as may be required for that purpose to any Commission to which Part X applies or to any authority charged with responsibility for the grant of such scholarships, exhibitions or other educational or training privileges or special facilities; and the Commission or authority shall duly comply with the directions.

(4)In exercising his functions under this Constitution and federal law in accordance with Clauses (1) to (3) the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall not deprive any person of any public office held by him or of the continuance of any scholarship, exhibition or other educational or training privileges or special facilities enjoyed by him.

Anwar Ibrahim said that the government would defend the Special Position, by way of reasonable proportion, in Article 153. It must be stated that Article 153 has allegedly always been observed in the breach i.e. it degenerated into "sapu bersih" (clean sweep) as a form of internal colonisation viz. the criminal accumulation of capital by transferring wealth, income, revenue, reserves and resources from those who have no power to those who have power.

Colonialism, among others, was outlawed by international law after World War II. Nazism, fascism and apartheid -- read ketuanan -- was also outlawed.

Article 153, being redundant, cannot be defended. The facilitating clauses have also been rendered redundant viz. the Definition of Malay in Article 160(2) as "form of identity", Article 3 (Islam) implied in the "form of identity", Article 152 (national language) implied in "form of identity"; Order 92, Rule 1, Rules of the High Court 2012 (national language) implied in Article 152; NEP taking the cue from Article 153, and Quota System taking the cue from Article 153.

The Parliament

The sovereignty of Parliament lasts five years.

No Parliament can bind future Parliament or be bound by previous Parliament.

Law, ultimately, remains the power of language. In jurisprudence and constitutional law, it isn't possible that anyone knows law.

Law exists, and has always existed, based on common sense, universal values, and the principles of natural justice.

The judicial power of the Federation cannot be taken away from the judiciary, even if taken away by Parliament, via ouster clauses. No law can state that this and that and that and this cannot be challenged. There's case law on this by the Federal Court sitting as the Constitutional Court.

The court of law remains about law, based on the rule of law, the basis of the Constitution.

In the rule of law, the basis of the Constitution, the manner in which person was convicted comes first. There must be compliance with procedures, due process and compliance with the greater emphasis on the spirit of the law in the rule of law, the basis of the Constitution, albeit read with the letter of the law.

The spirit of the law trumps reading within the letter of the law.

The letter of the law, by itself, isn't law.

The rule of law isn't legal term, it's political.

The rule of law isn't imposed from outside, but arises from within, from the Constitution, based on the ultimate political documents which set forth the governing institutions of state.

The ultimate political documents in Malaysia are the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948, the Federation of Malaya Independence Act 1957 and the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA'63), the last inserted in the Federal Constitution recently by de facto Law Minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar. Wan Junaidi briefly became Senate President. He's now Sarawak Governor.

Wan Junaidi's predecessor as de facto Law Minister, V. K. Liew in Sabah, told the media that AG Tommy Thomas cautioned him that "inserting MA'63 in the Federal Constitution risks creating legal complications".

The Federal government has allegedly been non-compliant on MA'63. This remains form of internal colonisation i.e. the criminal accumulation of capital by transferring wealth, income, revenue, reserves and resources from those who have no power to those with power.

Malaysia isn't Federation but "Equal Partnership of North Borneo (now Greater Sabah including the Sabah claim of the nine Sulu sultanate heirs recognised by the High Court of Borneo in Sandakan in 1939 for compensation and no territorial claims), Sarawak and Malaya (with Singapore merged after Yes/No vote in 1962/1963).

Singapore exited Malaysia in 1965 after the last straw viz. being denied access to the Malaysian Common Market. Otherwise, Singapore was willing to live with the Administration in Kuala Lumpur.

Malaya is Federation under the Definition in Article 160(2).

There are two High Court in Borneo viz. High Court of Malaya, and High Court of Borneo (Sabah and Sarawak).

There are three AG in Malaysia i.e. in Putrajaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

The Prime Minister and the Home Minister has delegated, by Administration to the Chief Minister and State Secretary, certain immigration powers which cannot be exercised by the Federal government in Sabah and Sarawak.

Otherwise, immigration remains Federal power.

No state in Malaysia can have immigration powers.

Prerogative and discretionary powers do not exist if abuse of power can be proven. There's no lacuna (gap) in local law on abuse of power. Refer Raja Azlan Shah and, most recently, Asian Arbitration vs AG Tommy Thomas.

Joe Fernandez Editor in Chief


Thousands flee southern Gaza as Israel mounts new assault


al Jazeera:

Thousands flee southern Gaza as Israel mounts new assault

At least eight people have been killed and 30 wounded in an Israeli bombardment in eastern Khan Younis.

Thousands of Palestinians are fleeing their homes in Gaza’s Khan Younis as Israeli forces pound the area with bombs and artillery fire after issuing a new evacuation order for the embattled southern city.

The latest strikes on Tuesday killed at least eight people and wounded more than 30 in several neighbourhoods of Khan Younis.

The wave of attacks, just weeks after Israeli tanks left the area, caused panic among residents, many already displaced multiple times and with no clear path to safety.

The Israeli military’s newly declared evacuation zone in Khan Younis encompasses an area where 250,000 people live, said Sam Rose, planning director at the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The order “means yet another day, week, chapter of misery for these hundreds of thousands of people – we expect 250,000 people in areas under the evacuation order,” Rose told Al Jazeera from Nuseirat in central Gaza.

Some had just returned from Rafah, also in the south of the enclave, where they were displaced a few weeks ago.

“And now they just received this evacuation order instructing them to leave immediately … It’s just harrowing, horrific and incredibly difficult to get your head around,” Rose said.

It also includes Gaza’s European Hospital, which serves both Khan Younis and Rafah.

Ali Abu Ismehan, a wounded Palestinian evacuated from the European Hospital after the Israel army ordered residents to leave neighborhoods in the eastern part of Khan Younis, is wheeled on a bed at Nasser hospital, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip
Ali Abu Ismehan, a wounded Palestinian evacuated from the European Hospital, is wheeled on a bed at Nasser Hospital, in Khan Younis, on July 2, 2024 [Mohammed Salem/Reuters]

The evacuation order shows Israel’s inability to achieve its goal of eliminating Hamas and its intent to exhaust the population, said Luciano Zaccara, a professor of Gulf politics at Qatar University’s Gulf Studies Center.

“It also proves that Israel wants to win this war by exhausting the people,” he told Al Jazeera, referring to several previous such orders from different locations in the past nine months of war.

“In this way, it creates much more trouble and harm for Palestinians who cannot stay for more than one month or 15 days in one place,” he added.

Some residents fled west towards the al-Mawasi area by the beach, which Israel designated a humanitarian “safe zone” but has attacked. But it is already overcrowded with displaced families.

The idea that there are safe places to move people to, Zaccara said, “is not true because every time there has been a displacement there were also attacks”.

There is no space in al-Mawasi to pitch a tent, there is no water, no infrastructure, no sanitary services, Rose said, with many people forced to spend the night in vehicles or on their donkey carts.


Palestinians, who fled the eastern part of Khan Younis after they were ordered by Israeli army to evacuate their neighborhoods, carry their belongings, amid Israel-Hamas conflict, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip July 2, 2024. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
Palestinians fleeing Khan Younis carry their belongings, on July 2 [Mohammed Salem/Reuters]

Reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud said “people have lost hope and the sense of being responsive to these evacuation orders”.

The orders, he said, feel more like a “death sentence for people” as they are “herded from one place to another and only end up being killed”.

‘Advancing to the end’

The intensive push into Khan Younis could prelude the end of Israel’s intensive military operations to rout Hamas from southern Gaza, including Rafah, which Israel’s army estimates it needs four weeks to complete, according to Israel’s Channel 12 broadcaster.

In the next phase of the war, the military plans to transition to less-intense, smaller-scale strikes to keep Hamas at bay, its officials say.

“We are advancing to the end of the phase of eliminating the terrorist army of Hamas, and there will be a continuation to strike its remnants,” Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

On Tuesday, Gaza’s Ministry of Health said at least 37,925 people have been killed and 87,141 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.

Video Duration 02 minutes 22 seconds


Govt lifting racial barrier for matriculation 'meaningless' - LFL

Govt lifting racial barrier for matriculation 'meaningless' - LFL

Published: Jul 2, 2024 12:10 PM

The government’s removal of the barrier for high-achieving non-Malay students to further their studies in matriculation programmes is “meaningless” as long as the 90 percent quota for bumiputera is still in place, said Lawyers for Liberty.

According to the human rights group’s director Zaid Malek, this is because the quota system disregards the rights of the non-bumiputera to education as guaranteed under Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.

“Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced (the removal) as if a great concession had been made to non-Malay students. In fact, it is nothing of the sort.

“The big question Anwar did not address is the obvious disproportionate quota for matriculation enrolment, between bumiputera and non-Malay students,” Zaid said in a statement today.

“That disproportion is unconstitutional and contrary to Article 153 of the Constitution as has been repeatedly pointed out by legal experts and ignored by successive governments,” he added.

Zaid was responding to Anwar's announcement on Sunday that students from all races who score 10As and above in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia will be given the opportunity to join matriculation programmes.

“Regardless of whether they are Malay, Chinese, Indian, or others, they must be guaranteed a spot by the government.

“This is a bold decision by the Madani government,” the premier said at the closing of National Training Week 2024 at the Bukit Jalil Stadium.

Review quota system

Yesterday, Anwar stressed that the decision is to ease racial tensions in the country.

Elaborating, Zaid said Anwar’s announcement on Sunday is not “progressive” as is touted to be, and is uncertain how it could ameliorate the unjust quota system that exists.

“It is greatly disappointing that the ‘reformist’ PM has shown no concern for the structural racism embedded into the matriculation programme as a result of the racial quota for the matriculation programme.

“Stating that non-bumiputera who excel are eligible for matriculation is not novel; that is the status quo. Further, saying that only those who achieve 10As and above for SPM will be given the opportunity to join the matriculation programmes ignores the fact that only a handful of students actually take 10 subjects to begin with.

“It merely creates yet another barrier of entry for the non-bumiputera into tertiary education,” said Zaid.

He further alleged that Anwar’s announcement leaves non-bumiputera students who score 7As, 8As, or 9As in their SPM, out in the cold.

“Do they not deserve to get a place in matriculation? Should they be punished and denied places in matriculation because of their skin colour?”

Zaid then accused the Madani government of pandering to Malay conservatives, to the detriment of non-bumiputera in the country, and in violation of Article 153 of the Constitution.

If the government truly strives for fairness in education, it must first acknowledge that the current quota system in matriculation programme enrollment is unreasonable, disproportionate, and unconstitutional, then review it, he said.

“Any government announcements that pledge a fairer share of educational places for non-bumiputera would only have any meaning if the quota is reviewed.

“This must be done by Anwar and his government, as the quota system is unfair, unlawful and will draw comparisons with the apartheid system.”

Court upholds lecturer’s sacking for letting absent students pass exam



Court upholds lecturer’s

sacking for letting absent

students pass exam

K. Parkaran-

The industrial court says Tati University College was justified in sacking the lecturer on four charges relating to students’ grades and answer scripts.

Total Views: 50,021
Free Malaysia Today
Tati University College, based in Kemaman, Terengganu, awards diplomas and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering, computer science and information technology. (Tati UC pic)

PETALING JAYA: The sacking of a university college lecturer has been upheld as justified, with the industrial court finding her guilty of giving marks to three absent students and failing to grade three others present at their semester final examination

The court held that on the balance of probabilities, the 53-year-old lecturer was guilty of all four charges preferred against her by Tati University College of Terengganu, a state-owned higher education institution.

The university college, based in Kemaman, comprises two faculties which award diplomas and degrees in computer science, information technology, and engineering. It began in 1993 as the Terengganu Advanced Technical Institute.

Industrial court chairman D Paramalingam said in the judgment dated June 20 that the lecturer’s “misdeeds cannot be viewed lightly”.

“Her actions are very serious because they can affect the future of the students, some of whom depend on scholarships, loans from the National Higher Education Fund and the public services department,” Paramalingam said.

The lecturer, who was with the engineering faculty, started working with the college in 2014 on annual or six-month contracts until her services were terminated six years later.

Paramalingam said the lecturer’s actions could have spoiled the institution’s good name and image if the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and Sirim had found out about her actions during the certification audit.

During the trial, a college official told the court that the errors had been rectified. The case involved the six students and another instance in which the lecturer wrongly graded the group work of several students.

The court was told Tati University College held a domestic inquiry on March 20, 2020 and found the lecturer guilty of four charges preferred against her. The college rejected her replies to the points raised in an earlier show cause letter, and terminated her services a month after the inquiry.

The charges against her were of:

– Awarding B grades to two students and a B+ to another in the Malaysian studies paper, despite their absence from the second semester final examination;
– Failing to grade three other students in the same examination;
– Preparing wrong answer scripts for the same examination; and
– Failing to mark answer scripts but awarding grades.

After her termination, the lecturer took the university college to the industrial court, claiming wrongful dismissal.

At the hearing, which ended in December last year, witnesses submitted copies of unmarked scripts for which grades were awarded, and others with similar answers but differing scores.

“However, the university college later reviewed the papers she marked and the correct grades were awarded,” a witness said.

The university college also submitted that the lecturer had been verbally warned twice in the past for placing the wrong cover page for an examination paper and giving a “like” on a social media post that could mar the institution’s image.

“Being a staff member who can be categorised as a senior lecturer, the claimant should actually set a good example for other employees,” the court was told.

In her defence, the lecturer said the university college had overburdened her by assigning her to duties beyond her contract as a lecturer without any additional allowances.

The duties included those of student affairs senior officer and proficiency training centre trainer, which she said interfered with her duty as a lecturer.

“It was not fair on the university’s part to task me with these extra duties, because they were burdensome in addition to my duties as a lecturer,” she said.

The lecturer alleged that the online system for registering student grades was faulty.

Paramalingam, who agreed with Tati University College on all the charges against the lecturer, said the court could not accept her claims of a faulty online system as she failed to provide proof.

“Her decision to give marks to the three absent students calls into question her integrity as a lecturer,” he said, adding it was her duty to verify if the students were present during the examination.