Tuesday, October 10, 2023

UN: Israeli attacks on Gaza displace 123,000 people

UN: Israeli attacks on Gaza displace 123,000 people

More than 123,000 people have been internally displaced in Gaza as a result of ongoing Israeli attacks, said the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) on Monday, Xinhua reported.

Israeli airstrikes and shelling have hit houses and apartment buildings, with four large residential towers in Gaza City destroyed. Six healthcare workers have been killed and four others injured, with seven healthcare facilities and nine ambulances damaged, said the office.

Damage to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities has undermined services to more than 400,000 people in Gaza. The Gaza Power Plant is now the only source of electricity and could run out of fuel within days, it warned.

The UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) estimates that more than half of those displaced are sheltering in dozens of schools. UNRWA has designated emergency shelters to host them and provide critical aid, said the office.

Cash assistance is also urgently needed for both displaced people and host communities in Gaza. Humanitarian partners are working to provide dignity kits and psychosocial support for affected families, it added.

The World Food Programme (WFP) has begun distributing food for up to 100,000 internally displaced people in Gaza, who are seeking refuge in UNRWA shelters, with fresh bread and canned food, said Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson for UN secretary-general António Guterres.

In the next few days, the WFP plans on starting to roll out assistance to up to 800,000 people with food and cash assistance as the situation develops, provided the necessary funding is made available. The WFP needs US$16.8 million to reach 805,000 people in the next month, he told a daily press briefing.

The aid was from pre-positioned supplies, which are not endless. At some point in the not-too-distant future, the world body will run out of supplies unless more can come in, warned the spokesperson.

Extreme dire situation

Guterres on Monday said he was deeply distressed by Israel's announcement that it would initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip, with nothing allowed in - no electricity, food, or fuel.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza was extremely dire even before the sudden escalation of violence over the weekend. Now it would only deteriorate exponentially, he warned at a press conference.

Medical equipment, food, fuel and other humanitarian supplies are desperately needed, along with access for humanitarian personnel. Relief and entry of essential supplies into Gaza must be facilitated, he said.

"I urge all sides and the relevant parties to allow United Nations access to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians trapped and helpless in the Gaza Strip. I appeal to the international community to mobilise immediate humanitarian support for this effort."

A UNRWA school sheltering displaced families was directly hit over the weekend. The school was severely damaged and was housing about 225 people, though no casualties were recorded among the displaced, said Dujarric.

All UNRWA schools across the Gaza Strip are closed. More than 300,000 students are impacted, he said.

Dujarric said UNRWA has 13,000 staff members in Gaza, the vast majority of them are national staff.

The UNRWA staff are not able to leave Gaza. They are focused on trying to do whatever they can to help the population within their mandate, said the spokesperson.


  1. "Netanyahu has been ordered to humiliate himself.
    The world is waking up."

    "I think he has been ordered to level Gaza, whatever the cost"

  2. Corona/jab was about 30 months full coverage. Ukraine lasted about 20 months before they had to bring in Israel-Hamas...how long for this round before the call to more? There is still China-Taiwan-US, Korean Peninsular, India-Pakistan in Kashmir and China-India border for roughly one year to US presidential election...These are the main items...the outside chance for a "Samson's option" by the elites of the world to bring down the "house" to avoid the noose is a nuclear conflagration...oklah, don't think too muchlah Jose...

  3. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/united-states-contributes-us-1537-million-unrwa-support-palestine-refugees

    From the UNRWA official website
    "U.S. funding to the Agency this year to US$ 206.8 million, reaffirming the United States’ position as UNRWA’s largest donor."

    The stupid American Administration continues to provide hundreds of Millions of Dollars every year to UNRWA, still the largest National contributor to UNRWA in the world.
    Completely unrecognised and completely unappreciated by Palestinian supporters and Palestinians themselves , who spit on the Americans as "Evil".

    1. Mfer, these US numbers were only written figure for media consumption.

      The Yank is the BIGGEST UN donor defaulter!

    2. https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/news-releases/government-people%E2%80%99s-republic-china-provides-us-1-million-support-education

      Your beloved Super -Super Rich China's contribution to Palestine a miserly USD $ 1Million.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      Physical CASH vis-a-vis a number written on paper for show!

  4. SABOTAGE: Leak in the Submarine Gas Pipeline Between Finland and Estonia Was ‘Deliberate Act’ – Damage Came a Year After the Nord Stream Explosions


    Follow @gatewaypunditofficial


    Just in time for winter demand...a slow-mo destruction of European economic infrastructure or scorched-earth policy at work?

  5. Got this while internet trawling. Remarks/shownotes compiled by some anonymous person. Points make are something to consider...shared as is ~mf.
    Roseanne Barr | PBD Podcast | Ep. 313
    Roseanne was asked about Hamas in Israel.

    ~20 - 50
    R doesn't takes side: is always praying for all the children on every side.
    Hopes we're on the way to a more sane work.
    "It's just terrifying."

    RE Hamas invasion: When you look at the facts of it, IT DOESN'T ADD UP.
    have to ask: What is this really and who benefits from it?

    I've been trying to say this to Jewish people for 100 years: There's an enemy within - what are we gonna do about it?

    We can't ignore it.

    Israel has the same problem we do in America: people who hate the place they live.

    Was it allowed? Was it like Pearl Harbor?

    Vaxxes were tested on people in Israel [by DS].

    Roe vs Wade: the beginning of the overthrow of our country, because the judiciary was making law.

    Anything that truly comes from the people is called Right Wing.

    In Israel, rulers seem the same, "they're elitist."

    Valerie Jarrett tweet was about Planet of the Apes - which Rod Serling said was about the Holocaust.

    Blue cities are pro-Hamas, anti-Jewish.

    How are we allowing Hamas to cross our southern border?


    She thinks we need to look at the corruption involving China and politicians.

    Is the Hamas invasion as distraction?

    Who gains the most: China and corruption politicians in DC.

    Iran seems to have backed Hamas.

    Suicide mission - Israel will go in house to house.

    It's like Iran sacrificed Hamas.

    Now "here comes Hezbollah".

    R thinks the current israeli strike is limited, to get back the hostages.

    Does Netanyahu negotiate?

    R - Netanyahu gives up settlements, neighborhoods, makes the Jews move out.

    I think the biggest q is: why didn't all that infrastructure work? (that enabled Hamas to get in)

    Victims said police and military did not arrive for SIX HOURS.

    [someone else thinks this was a pretext like Peal Harbor]

    It's obvious that the elites want everyone under miltary lockdown, everywhere.

    Afraid Israel invasion is a preview for USA.

    Roseanne says Israel is based on a socialist model (disputing another speaker's idea that Israel is the "nicest house in a shitty neighborhood")

    R - "Why are you making it sound like I'm supporting Hamas?"

    [He's get defensive about Israel when she has not attacked it]

    R - NGOs pay Hamas - "pay for slay" - they get money for killing Jews. Orgs outta EU, they also bully the Palestinian people.

    Palestinians would rather live in Israel than under Hamas if you ask them. They are NAZI NGO's. paid by Leftists. Tried to go to Marin Co to confront them - first time deplatformed.

    Leftists hate Judaism, hate the Bible. BLM gets paid for slay, too. Leftists want to take over the US.

    Other guy says it also comes from Iran.

    R - but who's funding them? (USA)

    She makes the point that it is NOT the people, the Iranian people, just the politicians.

    R - when i was in Israel, something miraculous happened. People in Iran were calling, we want you to know that we love Israel and we love the Jewish people, we don't go along with our government.

    There is something bigger than every compromised gov't on this planet. That's what i hold out hope for.

    "I want to increase that." Grassroots Iran: people are converting to Christianity like crazy, also in Chinea.

    She wants hatred directed only to those who are really manipulating everything. Not at ordinary people.

    there may be more…
