Sunday, August 20, 2023

Perhaps time for DAP to extend ‘a little kindness’ to UMNO which is at its lowest ebb

Focus Malaysia:

Perhaps time for DAP to extend ‘a little kindness’ to UMNO which is at its lowest ebb

POPULAR American country singer Glen Campbell is most well-known for his song, Try A Little Kindness.

At a time when UMNO is at its lowest ebb, perhaps it is time for DAP to follow Campbell’s Try a Little Kindness to demonstrate the act of kindness to its once nemesis.

It may be far-fetched to think that we would see a total change of heart in UMNO grassroots but at least those who are spared from the propaganda of hate against DAP may see that UMNO has a genuine friend in the party that they once considered as their biggest enemy.

The act by both the DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook followed by its national chairman Lim Guan Eng in November last year to offer a word of apology to the Sarawak state government and of Sarawakians (who have been hurt by the former’s past statements) showed DAP is a gentleman in politics.

After all, there are no enemies in politics, just rivals, competing for the votes.

This one noble act by the duo brought about reconciliation between the two rival parties, paving the way for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to establish the unity government.

Instead of insisting one of its MPs to become Deputy Prime Minister (DPM), DAP with its largest number of seats in Pakatan Harapan (PH) gave way to UMNO president and Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu leader Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof.

UMNO and DAP’s relationship

DAP has always been seen as a major enemy of UMNO. Because of the kind of branding placed on DAP, we often hear uncouth labels such as “Communist” and Cina Babi used on DAP.

DAP was even accused of trying to Christianise the state of Penang, a lie that was circulated around the country.

What makes no sense to even Bible believing Christians is that Penang – or even Malaysia for that matter – could be a `Christian country’ because according to the teachings of the Bible, Christians reiterated that Jesus himself professed, “My kingdom is not of this world.”

For the uninitiated, the labelling of DAP as a communist was done to scare the Malays from the party because both the Communists and DAP were always portrayed as being Chinese-based.

While this is an unfair labelling, DAP kept pursuing its goal to work towards a Malaysian Malaysia, a concept enshrined in the Federal Constitution that is totally opposed by twice former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Most Malaysians will agree that Dr Mahathir is still living in the era of the 1920s. Perhaps in 1923, there were many immigrants coming to British Malaya – from as far as the Middle East to Kerala in South India and Guangdong and Fujian in South China. His often target was the DAP and the Chinese.

Both his and the grandparents of the Chinese descendants born and bred in Malaysia were all newcomers to this land.

However, there is not an iota of truth in any of this bogeyman’s propaganda. Yet, for the sake of moving forward as a nation, DAP’s gesture of a little kindness to UMNO could appeal to many more sound-minded Malaysians – Aug 20, 2023

1 comment:

  1. UMNO includes the likes of Turtle Egg, who has just reiterated what he is about.
    In fact , they are likely the majority in UMNO
