Sunday, August 20, 2023



Sunday, August 20, 2023


I received the following opinion directly from Norman Fernandez. It is a quick read with my comments at the end of it. As I said before I believe in freedom of speech, especially speech that I DO NOT AGREE WITH

I dont agree fully with what Norman is saying here but the wonderful thing about free speech is that you must be mature enough to endure things you do not agree with. Then if you (or I) want to say something else just go ahead and say it. Apa susah sangat? No need to send the radio car or send the legal notice. No need to be the land of the p_ _ _ _ks and the pondans.

Anyway here is Norman Fernandez.

By Norman Fernandez

DAP who in the past never missed an opportunity to attack MCA and training their guns took every opportunity to attack MCA as the running dogs and lap poodles of UMNO, is now realising the growing pains being in the government.

It’s no surprise that MCA always found it difficult to respond to the vitriolic attacks from DAP. DAP’s blood hounds like Hew Kuan Yaw @ Superman Hew was consistent in attacking MCA. No wonder, Superman Hew, was always a star attraction and party dinner tickets were sold, on his mere presence.

Everything DAP used to tell the Chinese about MCA of being “Boh Hood” and eunuchs, have now come to haunt DAP.

Today, DAP has turned and become supporters and apologist for UMNO, even advising UMNO how it can revive itself. UMNO has the sympathetic ear and shoulder of DAP. The scene of DAP’s leaders standing on stage with Jamal Yunus is surreal. Both praising each other. Imagine that ! Foes turned friends.

DAP is indeed MCA 2.0 as the party becomes more pliant to the whims and fancies of the Anwar’s Madani goverment. DAP with the highest amount of parliamentarians and even having a stellar record of its Assemblymen/ women winning state seats, shows no sign of its past bravo. Now it is all too common to hear of DAP asking its predominantly Chinese voter base to look at the “big picture” and reminding what the alternative is.

To some extent, for now it is working. The alternative is PN, and by extension- PAS who is every inch the Taliban wannabee. Worryingly, even Malays have no qualms of supporting PN-PAS for what it stands for and living under PAS.

Thus, despite the growing dissatisfaction and disillusionment, both DAP and Anwar Ibrahim are confident that when push come to shove, the Non-Malays and in particular the Chinese will find refuge in DAP. Unlike the disillusioned and dissatisfied Malays who will simply crossover to PN-PAS.

So for warts and all, DAP know that they are the gatekeepers, nevermind they are indeed MCA 2.0. Afterall, the “Talibans” are at the gate. DAP is the final bastion.

Non-Malays and particularly the Chinese know the dangers and DAP also knows the fears of their voter base.

For Non-Malays, this is the best they have. There is no alternative. The alternative is even worst.

Until there is a real alternative, for Non-Malays there is no alternative but only DAP. DAP is the only option, like it or not and by extension- PH.

( Norman Fernandez )


My Comments :

Lets talk about Taiwan a little bit.  The US and the West have really turned up the volume on the "China is going to invade Taiwan" propaganda. They cannot explain two things - No. 1 how come since 1949 China has never waded across 6 miles of water to retake the Kinmen Islands which are part of Taiwan. Please look at the map. The Kinmen Islands are located about five to six miles from Xiamen on the Chinese mainland (where that famous university is located).  Yet in 74 years China has never taken back these tiny Taiwanese 'outposts' located just a few kilometres away.  While  "fortress" Taiwan is 167 km (100 miles) away further east.


No. 2 General Chiang Kai Shek's Kuomintang Party (whose pre-Merdeka Malayan chapter used to be the MCA) which ruled Taiwan for such a long time from 1949 until they were booted out for the first time in 2000 - they are now not only the main opposition party in Taiwan but they are pushing for peace and reunification with mainland China. The late General Chiang Khai Shek will be turning in his grave. 

There will be presidential elections in Taiwan in 2024 and the Kuomintang candidate stands a good chance of becoming president of Taiwan. And fostering closer links with mainland China. Why fight? Just  keep the schools, hospitals, trains and buses running and make money. Apa susah sangat? Like that also cannot understand ah?

So this is the news that you will NOT SEE OR HEAR on CNN, BBC or ABC. That Taiwan's founding Kuomintang Party and a significant portion of Taiwanese people want peaceful reunification with China. The west will blackout this type of news.  

The point is what about the people? What do the people want?

So in Norman Fernandez's commentary above we do not see who exactly is it that the people want?  Norman wants the non Malays to support the Madani fellows. The 'who else is there' theory again.

But what and who do the people want? This is where the analysis becomes super easy  because just eight days ago we had elections in SIX states.  We have actual voting results. We have actual empirical evidence. We have fait accompli.

The SIX Peninsula states clearly provided a referendum. The Perikatan Nasional romped home with 60% of the 245 State seats, across SIX states. Madani got 40% of the 245 State seats. There are only FIVE more States in the Peninsula. If there had been elections in the other FIVE States the PN would also have taken 60% of their seats.

If it had been a General Election for Parliamentary seats on the 12th August 2023, believe you me the PN would have taken 60% of the Parliamentary seats as well.  This is a certainty. And PN also took the majority of the total popular votes across SIX States.

The people DO NOT WANT the Madani gomen.  They already voted for the PN. 

And then there were the swings in the vote. Just seven more seats and the PN would have taken Selangor. And in some of the seven seats that they lost, the PN's losses were marginal. Not gigantic losses. 

The same in Penang. The vote swings in Penang were quite large, away from Madani towards PN. This is what the people want. This is empirical evidence.

And here is the interesting part - all this is happening just nine months after the Madani gomen was formed in November 2022. Actually the Madani gomen lost the peoples' support within a few months after November 2022. 

This is exactly similar to the Dr Mahathir 2.0 gomen in 2018. Dr Mahathir lost the plot and he lost the support of the people within nine to 12 months after May 2018. It took another 10 months for Dr Mahathir 2.0 to get kicked out. The same thing has already happened to Madani in just NINE months. They have lost the support of the people. It is a fait accompli.

And it will only get worse and more worse for Madani. Their popularity is going to get worse. 

So like the  Dr Mahathir 2.0 gomen how much longer will the Madani gomen last?

This is where Madani's 'coalition partners' will be taking the temperature readings closely. Things will get hotter. Especially the Sarawak and Sabah people.

Let me share something. My very close friend is a hardcore, super duper supporter of Madani for the past 28 years. If you are wondering how I can get along so well with him well we have other super duper common interests. Plus we both believe in free speech, freedom of association etc. Why let politics get in the way? 

Yet today he messaged me "Finished. Bodoh unlimited." This was his reaction to the latest news about some new religious text book being introduced in the sekolah kebangsaan (Whoever got the printing and publishing contracts must be laughing all the way to the bank. I have said before the book publishing lobby has a huge influence on our education policy.)

So day by day the Madani gomen is getting more unpopular. 

So will Madani's coalition partners just stand by and watch their popularity also sink along with Madani?

Things can also be expedited if say Bersatu  breaks with Pas. Bersatu has to break with Pas. Pas is not an asset for Bersatu. Pas benefits more from Bersatu than Bersatu benefits from Pas. Bersatu and Pas can have an "election" pact - dont field candidates against each other and each party should run under their own banners. Like the Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah model of long ago. if Bersatu breaks with Pas, there will be new friends who will come calling.

Then there are also threats on the horizon. Things that can blow up in their faces. Folks I can already sniff the next big snafu that could be coming. I sniffed out 1MDB way before Wall Street Journal or SR. My earliest comments on 1MDB go back to 2010 or a bit earlier.

In my view the next big snafu in Malaysia will be renewable energy or RE.   That economy fellow said there will be up to RM60 billion spending per year in RE!! Where are you going to get the money?  The whole 1MDB was "only" about RM40+ billion. Lets keep an eye on it together - maybe we can keep things in check.

But imagine two years or three years down the road and one of these RE projects becomes an issue. Electricity tariffs could go up even more. it will make them even more unpopular. 

So how much longer can they last?

1 comment:

  1. As I said before I believe in freedom of speech, especially speech that I DO NOT AGREE WITH.

    Biggest bullshitter....believe in freedom of speech but lock up comments section in his blog and tell the world don't go to his blog if you don't like what you read. NORTH KOREAN type of free speech!!!
