Saturday, July 08, 2023

With MCA-MIC sidelined, Shahril sees start of BN’s end


With MCA-MIC sidelined, Shahril sees start of BN’s end

Former Umno information chief Shahril Hamdan believes Umno will ‘force MCA and MIC’s hand’ into leaving the coalition on their own.

With Umno seemingly infatuated with DAP, the party’s former information chief has speculated that BN founding partners MCA and MIC might be forced out.

PETALING JAYA: The decision by MCA and MIC to sit out the state elections next month possibly signals the beginning of the end for Barisan Nasional, says former Umno information chief Shahril Hamdan.

Shahril said he believed that the parties’ decision to not field candidates for the six state assemblies had been influenced by their feeling sidelined by Umno after BN became part of the unity government with its former rivals, Pakatan Harapan.

“Certain discussions are being held with DAP more, not so much with MCA,” he said in an episode of the Keluar Sekejap podcast with Khairy Jamaluddin.

“I think KJ has also heard about the various things that’s been happening, such as how MCA and MIC have been treated, especially with Umno seemingly preferring to be associated with DAP now,” he said.

Shahril Hamdan speaking about the decision by MCA and MIC to sit out the coming elections in six states.

Shahril said he believed that the Umno leadership would force MCA and MIC’s hand into leaving the coalition on their own.

Umno leaders would “push MCA and MIC to a point where they have no choice,” similar to the case of Muda “where PH pushed them to the point of losing face, and Muda eventually (gave up on joining the coalition)”, he said.

“Muda appeared to be greedy and aggressive. If MCA and MIC were to leave, that would be the first narrative Umno would play up,” Shahril said.

BN was founded in 1973 as the direct replacement of the Alliance Party, formed in 1952 by Umno, MCA and MIC. The new coalition included Gerakan and regional parties from Sabah and Sarawak.

The coalition dominated Malaysian politics until the 2008 general election when it faced a strong challenge from Pakatan Rakyat, and the start of the decline in non-Malay support for BN.

BN lost power in 2018, with Gerakan wiped out and MCA and MIC suffering severe losses. Gerakan left BN. After the 2022 elections, MCA and MIC were left with only three seats in Parliament.

Elections are being held in six states on Aug 12. Voters will go to the polls to choose the state assemblies of Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Negeri Sembilan, Penang and Selangor.

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