Sunday, July 09, 2023

PN Youth chief wants nationwide reports against 'hypocrite' Guan Eng

PN Youth chief wants nationwide reports against 'hypocrite' Guan Eng

DAP national chairperson Lim Guan Eng was labelled a hypocrite by Perikatan Nasional (PN) Youth chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari, who claimed the former was playing up racial issues.

Fadhli (above) said the PN Youth machinery has since been instructed to lodge police reports nationwide in protest against Lim over the “rude” remarks.

He was referring to news reports alleging that Lim had said PN would destroy temples in Penang if the coalition were to come to power after the upcoming state polls.

“This statement is the culmination of racial provocations that will destroy the peace and unity of Malaysians, simply because they (DAP) are afraid of seeing the rejection of the rakyat towards the coalition government that is full of deception, manipulation, and successive failures during the seven months of this failed government.

“Police reports will be made throughout the country to protest against the racial attitude of this DAP leader. This directive is for all PN Youth machinery nationwide,” Fadhli said in a statement today.

Lim had previously denied making claims that PN will destroy Buddhist or Chinese temples in Penang if it took over the state government.

Lim Guan Eng

The former Penang chief minister said his speech in Mandarin had been “spun” in news reports to give such an impression.

He clarified that his speech was made in reference to a case of a Hindu temple in Kedah being demolished in July 2020.

Meanwhile, Fadhli said PN strongly condemned Lim’s statement and described it as a lie to cover up their failure in governing the country.

“Hypocrite! That is the only word that deserves to be used on these leaders of the coalition government, who supposedly loudly denounced using the 3R (royalty, religion, race) issues, including another R which is region.

“But when such statements related to the 4Rs are uttered by Pakatan Harapan leaders, they lament in a thousand languages.

“The ministers who previously warned that action will be taken if such issues were raised, what actions will you take now,” he questioned.

Previously, PN called on the government to take stern action against DAP for allegedly using issues touching on the 3Rs ahead of the state elections.

In response, Lim accused PAS and PN of being the ones to constantly play up the 3R issues.


kt comments:

Some people consider Guanee an S-whole and while I might have entertained wisps of that thought when he e;f;f;e;d; up TAR-UC, wakakaka, I still remember he went to prison for an underaged girl who was "statutorily" raped by a far far bigger S-whole; sadly that girl let Guanee down after she was "convinced" to change sides, hence Guanee became an unfortunate convict for his Samaritan work, which the girl's grandma thanked Guanee for. And Allah swt subsequently blessed Guanee by making him CM of Penang Alhamdulillah, well e;f;f; all of you Lebai's lah, wakakaka.

Today, I see or more appropriately read about the biggest S-whole of all, wakakaka, who has nothing of substance other than to rail against Guanee about sins/crimes they the Lebais have been utterly guilty of. Yes, it';s e;f;f;i;n;g; campaign time and the Lebais are working overtime in their fabrication factories, wakakaka.


  1. Await videos of the actual speech to surface.
    The reports were 2nd hand, and I would withhold judgement and not simply condemn LGE out of pure emotion.

  2. That is what PAS' islam is all about.

    Deceit and lies.

    And they claim islam is a fair and just religion!

    F**k them!!!

  3. That is what PAS' islam is all about.

    Deceit and lies.

    And they claim islam is a fair and just religion!

    F**k them!!!
