Friday, July 07, 2023

PN cybertrooper gets into hot soup for linking DAP to LGBT lifestyle of its former state assemblywoman

Focus Malaysia:

PN cybertrooper gets into hot soup for linking DAP to LGBT lifestyle of its former state assemblywoman

A PRO-PERIKATAN Nasional (PN) sympathiser who called himself Dr Kudin (@Drdin88) has earned the wrath of the Twitter universe for smearing the reputation of DAP by associating the party with former state assemblywoman for Pulau Tikus Yap Soo Huey whom the former accused of having violated the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara (National Principles).

The apparently PN keyboard warrior has claimed that Yap who was a one-term DAP state representative from 2013-2018 has breached the principle of Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan (Decency and Morality) by engaging in a lesbian relationship with her American partner.

“Do Malaysians agree with the actions of this DAP assemblyman which is clearly in conflict with the pillars of the Malaysian nation?” tweeted Dr Kudin.

Netizen aku/saya (@bumilangit) chided Dr Kudin by encouraging him to delete his tweet and offering him some spiritual guidance.

“How can you expect God’s blessing by slandering others … You still refuse to correct your posting after people having reprimanded you and offering you the truth. This is evil. Don’t be a bad person. The Prophet SAW didn’t teach his followers to slander others.”

Demi Negraku (@narzzano) also took a swipe at Dr Kudin by claiming that PAS followers have no qualms slandering others while netizen Ubiquitous Cryptic (@LilyZali) lamented that the cybertropper failed to use his mind faculty to differentiate truth from falsehood.

However, MalayGuy (@MatMalayGuy) fell for Dr Kudin’s slander when he chastised DAP for “crazily supporting LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) and sodomisers”. “Is this the value we want our children to be exposed to? Immoral attitude that can destroy our society!” he lambasted.

Thankfully, AqimNizar (@AqimNizar) was quick to come to DAP’s defence by clarifying that the issue has nothing to do with DAP any longer. This came about as Yap did not seek a second term for her Pulau Tikus state seat in the 2018 election as she wanted to pursue her Master’s in Urban and Transport Planning studies in US.

Netizen P.122 Seputeh| dnshriez (@danishriez) also reminded Dr Kudin not to spread lies and untruth as Yap is confirmed “a former Pulau Tikus state assemblywoman”.

Whatever the case is, netizen Gibran (@DeathtoKoruptor) gave Dr Kudin a stinger that PAS did not make a fuss about the then science, technology and innovation officer of former chief minister Lim Guan Eng when “DAP was with PAS during the 13th General Election (GE13).”

“Obviously okay otherwise PAS surely will not be collaborating with Azmin (PN information chief Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali) now to the extent of being prepared to appoint him as Menteri Besar should PN win the Selangor state poll.” – July 7, 2023

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