Thursday, July 13, 2023

Match your words with action, PM

Match your words with action, PM

YOURSAY | ‘Otherwise, the final warning is frivolous and has no effect.’

Anwar gives last warning to extremists playing up 3R issues

PW Cheng: Warnings must be matched with actions. Otherwise, it’s frivolous and has no effect. One striking scenario which you had consistently trumpeted is the fight against corruption.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, you are more concerned about fighting the big sharks first, which I disagree with as we need to fight all the sharks, big or small, simultaneously to wipe out all the elements of corruption. Otherwise, one big shark is out, and many small sharks will grow to replace the one big shark.

This small shark’s scenario is captured clearly in the government departments, especially immigration. And corruption had not waned but perpetuated as usual and mutated into a skilful art of “cari makan” (filling up one’s pocket) business.

Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Tiong King Sing who had taken great lengths and risk to expose alleged corruption in the immigration in KLIA had not got any support from you. There was only damage control from you visiting the immigration in KLIA to say hello to them, probably to pacify them.

As a tourism minister, he has the responsibility and locus standi to see that all bona fide tourists face no hindrance when entering the country. And he is just doing his job.

So, when and where is the will to fight corruption? With due respect Mr Anwar, words must be matched with actions for people to believe you.

Newday: Final warning? Okay. We accept it on face value that this is well meant and am now hopeful these issues will have some real outcomes that are balanced in their approach.

Sadly, up until now, the approach has been quite unbalanced. The hardcore bigots have delivered aggressive waves of irrational and irresponsible attacks on anyone that doesn’t agree with their narrow ideology. Investigations started but never completed or just disappear completely.

What can a moderate-liberal Muslim or non-Muslim do in the face of these attacks? Just say nothing? We cannot. As liberal Muslims, we are now labelled the extremists when we are plainly not. We just want to be left alone. But no, that isn’t a status quo that the real extremists are happy with, so the attacks will continue.

The non-Muslims and us (liberal Muslims) become marginalised. Fear becomes our existence. We voice out and somehow, we end up having the door kicked in and being investigated and in record time, while the aggressors are essentially untouchable.

That is wrong no matter how you look at it. Anwar - no fear and certainly no favour in this must be applied.

OCT: This gives the impression that all the previous warnings and investigations were lip service without any intention to prosecute for any reason. The law is very clear. No ambiguity. There is no need to give a final warning.

They are not schoolchildren. It is the enforcement authorities that failed Malaysians. The authorities dare not take on any religious leaders. Thus, they become bolder and untouchable. The PM does not dare bell the “wild cats” like former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

The two senior leaders have seriously touched on many 3R (race, religion and royalty) issues. All the government (police) did were called them up for “teh tarik” sessions. Meanwhile, there are incidences where non-Malays/ Muslims were arrested and interrogated for days, and some were charged (for some violations).

We will not be surprised if DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng is charged (for his latest temple remark) but Hadi remains free with no action taken against him. PM, please do not be NATO (no action, talk only) again.

LimePanther5220: If this government is serious that no one should talk about 3R issues when campaigning, then they should disband 3R-based parties, namely, Umno, Bersatu, Amanah, PAS, MCA and MIC.

By the sheer fact that these are 3R-based parties, they already have a 3R agenda. By presenting a 3R front, are they not making use of the 3R perspective to swing voters’ votes?

With an underlying 3R agenda, is it fair that these 3R-based parties do not allow multi-racial parties to alert voters about their agenda? So, they are going into the campaign blaring their “3R-ness” but tying up the hands of their opponents who are not allowed to mention 3R.

In fact, Guan Eng did voters a good turn by warning them of the consequences should this country be overtaken by an intolerant regime. If one sees an approaching tsunami, isn’t it a crime not to sound the alarm?

Mazilamani: Having consumed rice as part of our daily staple meal for all these years, it is doubtful one will change their diet. When has any leader representing PAS ever spoken in Parliament on national issues? It has been only speaking on religion, race and threats by other races.

The non-Malays/ Muslims are not into clandestine activities against the government. Instead, they are noted for their good work attitude, commitment and are loyal and prepared to serve the people.

apanama is back: PM, since you had issued a last warning, I am willing to give you my benefit of the doubt. This is similar to what our Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain said earlier. Since then, Guan Eng and Hadi are being investigated.

Even though you mentioned, “the consensus is, not only in the government or within the party, but even in discussions in the Conference of Rulers – that the country must be saved from those who are so desperate to hold onto power that they are willing to sacrifice the people’s interests and bring chaos and disunity”. I prefer this consensus will be translated into taking action.

Talking and saying are one thing. It is the actions, without fear and favour, that matter

While you mentioned, “I think the situation has become so serious because we have turned a blind eye to it for decades and did not act against extreme statements”; I believe you yourself do not want to join in the statistics of turning a blind eye towards the extremists.

PM, you need to prove to me that no one in this country, including yourself, is untouchable as far as “extremists” who are playing up the 3R issues are concerned, in whatever manner, be it in the media, languages and narratives. That is more important than this last warning.

Prove to me with actions, please. People are watching from now onwards.

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