Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Lawyers for Liberty have also aired concerns over using the Sedition Act by a government led by Pakatan Harapan
Zaid Ibrahim : "The most significant achievement of the Madani government is using the Sedition Act against its political opponent. When this opponent said sorry, the Madani minister replied, 'That’s not enough',"
- Sanusi arrested in KL hotel 3.00am, taken to Gombak Police hq
- charged with Section 4(1)(a) of the Sedition Act 1948
- Under heavy security at Selayang Sessions Court
Zaid Ibrahim critical of unity government using Sedition Act
Pakatan Harapan once pledged to repeal the law, but are now using it.
"The most significant achievement of the Madani government is using the Sedition Act against its political opponent. When this opponent said sorry, the Madani minister replied, 'That’s not enough',"
Former Bersih leader and human rights lawyer Ambiga Sreenevasan in a tweet this morning supported Zaid’s sentiments.
Lawyers for Liberty have also aired concerns over using the Sedition Act by a government led by Pakatan Harapan.
those who harbour concerns are scared to talk
My Comments :
I must say I am no great fan of Sanusi. From the day he said he would dam the Muda River to prevent Penang from accessing water it was quite clear the fellow was a 'foot in mouth' disease person.
Sanusi has gone on to say more shocking things. None of which I will repeat here today, not because of dislike but more out of fear of the sedition act, which can be used to arrest people for speaking.
This is the nature of democracy isnt it - that people can SAY whatever they want. Free speech.
You cannot arrest someone or lock someone up just because you dont like something he SAID. Regardless how disgusting or how disagreeable it was. It was just words coming out of someone's mouth.
How can people be arrested and charged for saying WORDS?
Go and arrest someone for committing real crimes like taking bribes from foreign tourists at the KLIA, arrest people who steal public funds, go and arrest the corrupt, the thieves and the crooks.
But why arrest a politician (of all people) whose bread and butter is SPEAKING.
What about that 98 year old senior citizen who has also been saying obviously racist things for the past few weeks? Arrest or no arrest? Yes or no? If no why not?
The Sedition Act must be abolished.
It is a big mistake to arrest a Menteri Besar under the Sedition Act. If a Menteri Besar cannot say what he wants then what about the ordinary citizen?
This is a big, big mistake.

The Madani Mob will be finished soon.
ReplyDeleteTotally clueless.