Saturday, July 08, 2023

Democrat lawmakers slam Biden’s decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine

Democrat lawmakers slam Biden’s decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine

They call it ‘terrible mistake’, unnecessary violation of Nato’s ban on such weapons

United States President Joe Biden acknowledges the difficult decision but justifies it by emphasising the urgent need to provide ammunition to Ukraine as it faces depleted resources. – AFP pic, July 8, 2023

WASHINGTON – A group of Democrat lawmakers denounced United States President Joe Biden’s decision yesterday to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine because it “undermines” Washington’s moral authority, reported Anadolu Agency.

“The decision by the Biden administration to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine is unnecessary and a terrible mistake,” the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Appropriations Defence subcommittee, Betty McCollum, warned in a statement.

“Allowing legacy US cluster munitions onto the battlefield in Ukraine undermines our moral authority and places the US in a position that directly contradicts 23 of our Nato allies who have joined the Convention on Cluster Munitions,” the Minnesota congresswoman added.

Barbara Lee, from the state of California, said she is “alarmed” that Biden is “considering sending cluster bombs to Ukraine”.

Pointing to the threats the munitions have been to civilians for decades, Lee said lawmakers wrote to the president about the “need to end the use of cluster bombs”.

Air Force veteran Chrissy Houlahan from Pennsylvania wrote on Twitter that she “strongly” opposes the administration’s decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions.

“Cluster munitions can be indiscriminate and have the potential to harm civilians years after conflicts have ended. Now, there are some who will say that these weapons are necessary to level the battlefield, given Russia’s reported use of them. I challenge that assessment,” she wrote.

“I challenge the notion that we should employ the same tactics Russia is using. And I challenge all of us to remember that this war will end and that the broken pieces of Ukraine will need to be rebuilt. History remembers not only who wins a war but also how a war is won,” she added.

Jim McGovern from Massachusetts said he would continue to “strongly support” helping Ukraine against Russia, but “cluster munitions won’t help”.

“I universally oppose the use of these internationally banned weapons. I urge President Biden to listen to our Nato allies, such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Spain, who oppose sending cluster munitions to Ukraine for the same reasons,” he said.

Biden earlier said that sending cluster munitions to Ukraine for the first time was a “difficult decision”, but he believes Kyiv needs them as it is running out of ammunition.

“It was a very difficult decision on my part. And by the way, I discussed this with our allies; I discussed this with our friends up on the Hill,” Biden told CNN.

Noting that Ukrainians were “brutally attacked” by cluster munitions, he said: “This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it.”

“I took the recommendation of the Defence Department to, not permanently, but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians,” he said.

“They’re trying to get through those trenches and stop those tanks from rolling. But it was not an easy decision.”

“We’re not signatories to that agreement, but it took me a while to be convinced to do it,” he said. – Bernama, July 8, 2023


  1. Hypocrisy is staying silent and sleeping for over a year , when Russkis have been wantonly using Cluster Bombs against Ukraine.

    1. my late mum taught me this - if others eat shit, do you want to eat shit too?

    2. Your late mum didn't teach you about the hypocrisy of double standards ?

    3. my late mum taught me not to be a KPC - if media didn't publish Russia using cluster bombs why blog on it? If media talks about Wankee using cluster bombs then that's fair game to blog on it, wakakaka


      The media was clearly publishing news as early as last year about Ruski use of cluster bombs against Ukraine.

      It's Ktemoc hypocrisy idolising Russkis , his "USA Is evil, Russia is Good", which is the reason he chose to ignore negative publicity about Russki actions.

    5. Check that!

      Words in verbatim out of thin air - an usual BBC propaganda fart!

      Where were the identified bomb fragments & recovered duds to justify the originality of the claimed cluster bomb?

      Oooop… for this know-nothing mfer, anything come out of BBC/CNN etc r gospel truths!

  2. Here is a question, is there someone, groups, force or entity within, that are manipulating, nudging events, affairs using JB as the front to act as Judas Goat to draw out the deep lying assets to act only a certain path of action of self immolation, destruction that is for the public, world to see?

    You are now featuring this public affair in more than one post. In each of it, the statement of its heinous and rejection has been emphatically stressed on and the contradicting action comes into focus each time...

  3. I can respect those who have with principle condemned Russia's use Cluster munitions against Ukraine , for over a year, and now condemn the US plan to arm Ukraine with cluster munitions.

    I find utterly HYPOCRITICAL those who have been silent and sleeping over Russia's use of cluster bombs against Ukraine for more than a year, and now suddenly wake up, jumping up and down like a monkey over the US plan to arm Ukraine with cluster bombs.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Hypocrisy based on yr f*cking lie of lies W/O true facts!
