Saturday, June 17, 2023

Why the silence, Bersatu asks DAP after cops investigate woman for post critical of Kit Siang

Why the silence, Bersatu asks DAP after cops investigate woman for post critical of Kit Siang

The opposition party recalls statements by top DAP leaders calling for the abolition of the Sedition Act.

DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang. Photo: Bernama

Bersatu has criticised DAP leaders for failing to speak up following an investigation under the Sedition Act launched against a woman, reminding them of their past calls to abolish the law.

Bersatu's legal and constitution bureau also slammed the Pakatan Harapan-led government over the action taken against its activist in Penang, Norhanani Abu Hassan.

"For the whole time that PH was the opposition, the then government would be criticised again and again on the use of Sedition Act against the opposition and/or the public, and made numerous calls for the abolishment of the said act," the bureau's deputy chairman Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif said in a statement.

She recalled a statement by DAP deputy chairman Gobind Singh Deo in 2018 calling for the abolition of the Sedition Act.

"He even went on to say that 'the law was subject to abuse and had been used to stifle political dissent'.

"Why are he and his colleagues silent now?" she added.

It is understood that officers from Bukit Aman had attempted to arrest Norhanani but did not do so as she is seven months' pregnant. Instead, they confiscated her mobile phone and laptop.

The investigation is believed to be linked to Norhanani's re-posting of a social media post critical of DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang.

Sasha also cited a statement by Lim in 2015, in which he had questioned the use of the Sedition Act on government critics.

Among others, she said, Lim had spoken against the use of "tyrannical force in retaining power".

"We must never forget that Malaysia is a democracy, not a dictatorship," Lim was quoted as saying.

Sasha said Lim had remained silent now that the Sedition Act was being used to defend him.

"Has the position changed now that PH aka Kerajaan Madani is in power and in government and now using the Sedition Act against opposition leaders and party members and supporters?

"Isn’t this a classic case of hypocrisy at the highest level by Lim Kit Siang, DAP and PH?" she asked.

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