Saturday, June 17, 2023

“We need explanations from Tun M, Daim and Nor Mohamed on UMNO assets,” ex UMNO sec-gen urges

Focus Malaysia:

“We need explanations from Tun M, Daim and Nor Mohamed on UMNO assets,” ex UMNO sec-gen urges

UMNO veteran secretary-general Datuk Mustapha Yaakub has urged the former UMNO leader Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and two former finance ministers Tun Daim Zainuddin and Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop to explain the disappearance of RM100 bil in UMNO assets.

“The people, especially UMNO members, have the right to know the true story regarding the Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) revelation earlier this month that UMNO lost at least RM100 bil in assets,” he said.

RPK wrote on his portal Malaysia Today that Dr Mahathir, Daim and Nor are now fighting over the issue of the loss of UMNO assets.

According to the UMNO veteran, there is no doubt that RPK’s disclosure is something serious and it needs an explanation from these three former UMNO leaders because this issue happened when Dr Mahathir was prime minister.

“I think the public, especially UMNO members, needs to be explained by these three former leaders. For me, this is something serious that involves huge funds.

“Although this disclosure is quite controversial, for me the three individuals concerned need to come forward to explain because it involves public interest, not to mention the amount is so large,” Malaysia Today reported him as saying.

A few days ago, RPK claimed in a video that the assets worth RM100 bil, including some cash, were now reduced to RM500 mil.

Meanwhile, in an article yesterday (June 16) RPK pointed out that UMNO today is worth less than RM500 mil, a fraction of what it was worth in its heydays.

“In the 15th General Election, UMNO had no money to spend which is part of the reason why it won only 26 seats, when in the good old days it used to win over 100 of the 222 seats in Parliament,” he added.

RPK also noted the issue of UMNO’s assets is not a secret as it has been published in many books. He did not mention the names of the books.

Moreover, Dr Mahathir and the others mentioned did not respond to his claims and accusations.

The once-prominent reformasi blogger also said part of the question regarding UMNO’s hidden and lost assets is revealed in Tan Sri Halim Saad’s 11-page letter.

“Halim, alongside dozens of others (Malays, Chinese and Indians), were frontmen for UMNO. Everyone knew this. But what everyone did not know is what happened to those billions they were holding on behalf of UMNO and why UMNO is now broke,” wrote RPK. – June 17, 2023

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