Friday, June 23, 2023



Friday, June 23, 2023


I am taking a risk here - I believe I was slightly mistaken about our Minister of Home Affairs Saifuddin Nasution. 

Here is some good news. After so many years, Thailand is repatriating FOUR THAIS to Malaysia who are going to be charged over the 139 people found buried in those mass graves in Wang Kelian, Perlis in 2017.

Malaysia has identified about 20 Thais to be extradited here but so far only these four have been sent over.

Congratulations are due to the Minister of Home Affairs Saifuddin Nasution who I believe is overseeing this action. 

Here is a quick video from FMT :  

If the video does not play, here is the link to the YouTube



There is some speculation over the early retirement of the banyak paku atas bahu fellow. He is leaving four months before his scheduled retirement date.



The following report has surfaced in the Australian media which criticises the conduct of the Malaysian Police in a number of high profile and/or unsolved cases. 

The most recent case that has attracted plenty of negative attention is over that American comedian who made some jokes about Malaysia. 

(What is my opinion? I am a person who is almost totally immune to tasteless jokes - or not funny jokes. However I do crack up at funny jokes - no matter who or what is the subject or object. Usually racial jokes, religious jokes, political jokes are about the funniest. Relax lah ok. That is why it is called a joke in the first place. If you dont like a joke fine. But do you call the Army, Navy and the Airforce? Or the Police? That is another joke. Please grow up).

But what has attracted ridicule is the request by our Police (to who? Interpol?) to try to find the location of the American comedian. 

Why do you want to waste time looking for a comedian? 

  • Did she steal RM40 billion like Jho Low who cannot found? 
  • Or did she kidnap someone in broad daylight and made them disappear and cannot be located until today? 
  • Did she convert to Islam and run away with her children  to Thailand or somewhere and cannot be found?

Maybe this embarrassing request by the Police has led to that early good bye for the banyak paku atas bahu fellow.

Anyway I wish to congratulate Saifuddin Nasution again on his handling of the job of Minister of Home Affairs thus far. Maybe after six months Saifuddin is getting the hang of things.

However may I advise Saifuddin over his speech in Parliament exposing to the world at large that  "online betting in Malaysia is protected by politicians".

Bro Saifuddin, here is some copy paste for your information:

  • Criminal Procedure Code (‘the CPC’). Section 13 of the CPC imposes a duty on the public to give information about certain crimes that we are aware of.
  • When you are legally bound to give information about the crime but you purposely refuse to do so, you can be charged with “intentional omission, by a person bound to inform, to give information of an offence” under section 202 of the Penal Code. If you were found guilty of the offence, you may face imprisonment up to 6 months or fine up to RM 2,000, or both.
  • Duty to report bribery transactions (Section 25 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009), failing to do so will be imposed a fine less than RM 1,000 or imprisonment up to 10 years, or both.


  • Apa yang anda akan lakukan sekiranya ternampak penjenayah memecah masuk ke rumah jiran atau mengetahui tentang kejadian rogol, ragut dan aktiviti pengedaran dadah di kawasan kejiranan?
  • Lapor kepada polis atau buat tidak tahu? Tahukah anda, mengambil keputusan untuk tidak melaporkan sesuatu kes jenayah yang berlaku adalah menjadi kesalahan di sisi undang-undang?
  • Seksyen 13 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah memperuntukkan orang ramai memberikan maklumat jenayah tertentu dan melaporkan mana-mana kematian mengejut atau luar biasa atau terjumpa mayat yang tidak diketahui punca kematian.
  • Kegagalan melaporkan sesuatu kes jenayah kepada pihak polis boleh dikenakan hukuman di bawah Seksyen 202 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu penjara selama tempoh yang boleh sampai enam bulan atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali.


For the ordinary members of the public if we see a crime being committed and then we DO NOT REPORT to the Police, that becomes a crime. 

Under CPC we can be fined and jailed for six months if we do not report a crime.

Under the MACC Act we can be fined and jailed for 10 years if we do not report a crime.

But Saifuddion Nasution has already made a public statement in Parliament that he knows of politicians protecting online gaming. Saifuddin even mentioned that the online gaming takes in about RM250 million every week.

Saifuddin has also said that it is up to the Police to take further action, to name the politicians involved etc. 

Bro Saifuddin the MACC Act (10 years jail) and the CPC (6 months jail) does not say that the Minister of Home Affairs is exempted from Section 202 of the Penal Code or  Section 25 of the MACC Act  if you do not make a Police Report about your personal knowledge of crimes that have been committed.

So please make a Police Report over your public statements in Parliament about online gaming. (If you read that information in a file in your office at the Ministry of Home Affairs then that is part of your job. But since you already mentioned it in public, in Parliament, then you must follow through with action.)

I must add that the entire Malaysian public is grateful that you boldly brought up the topic in Parliament. The public is fully behind you bro Saifuddin. Go ahead and expose those crooked politicians, bring them to book and take all the action allowed by the Law.

I must say that from listening to Saifuddin Nasution speaking in Parliament that he appears to have much passion and sounds sincere in wanting to do his job as Minister of Home Affairs.

May I congratulate Saifuddin again and wish you full speed ahead. 

There appears to be one star that can shine brighter in the Pakatan Harapan.

There are also the unsolved cases of the disappearance of Pastor Koh, Amri Che Mat, Hilmy and his wife Ruth Sitepu. Their long suffering families need closure on what has happened to their husbands, fathers, mothers and sisters. The people who caused their disappearances (and possible murder - it has been over six years) are still walking around freely. This is not KEADILAN. Remember PKR stands for KEADILAN.

I hope Saifuddin Nasution will crack those cases wide open and bring closure to the families of the victims. We have to find out what happened to their physical bodies. Where are they?

Syabas to our Minister of Home Affiars Saifuddin Nasution on carrying out his duties with commitment. I hope we will see more good things soon.

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