Saturday, June 24, 2023

Noh Omar: Singapore will rule Malaysia if DAP is in power

Focus Malaysia:

Noh Omar: Singapore will rule Malaysia if DAP is in power

ONE wonders how former Selangor UMNO chairman Tan Sri Nor Omar could come to the assumption that Singapore could be interested in minding the affairs of Malaysia or even if DAP will be so treacherous as to invite Singapore to rule Malaysia if the party comes to power in the country.

To back his assumption, the former six-term Tanjong Karang MP cautioned that even the country’s first premier Tunku Abdul Rahman had no choice but to expel Singapore from Malaysia.

“If Singapore was still in Malaysia, we (the Malays especially) would lose our dominance because Singapore is under the strong grip of PAP (the ruling People’s Action Party),” he spoke at the Program Sembang Santai in conjunction with the Kelantan Maju Rakyat Sejahtera carnival in Kota Bahru last night (June 22).

“I’m saying this not because I want to raise racist issue …nor saying that there is no racist party in Malaysia but what makes us different is our (party) ideology and thoughts.”

The former entrepreneur development and cooperative minister further referred to an Utusan Malaysia article dated May 13, 1968 which headline quoted the late Tunku Abdul Rahman as saying that “Singapore Will Rule Malaysia if DAP Comes to Power”.

“If Singapore (truly) wants to be part of Malaysia again, it can do so as Article 2 in our Federal constitution allows admission of new territories into the Federation whereby the Parliament can through legal means can admit other states to the Federation (or even alter the boundaries of any state).”

“Shouldn’t we be worried that the prophecy of Tunku Abdul Rahman may become a reality one day?” Noh asked his audience.

“Moreover, in February 1970 Chin Peng was cited as saying ‘let the Malays become the slaves of Chinese communists and DAP wants to see the Malays be our shoes … at the end of the day, the communist can rule this country’. Will this also become a reality one day?”

In an earlier speech, however, Noh admitted that he was never against DAP on the basis of racism but “just because of their ideology”.

“Still remember that I was once suspended from the parliamentary session for three days for disputing their leader’s statement on the Taliban issue?” he asked. – June 23, 2023


  1. With nothing to contribute, Singapore now becomes fodder in the continuing vilification of DAP.

    This Noh Omar is really a moron to suggest that Singapore would even contemplate rejoining a much divided and extremist Malaysia where the ketuanans claim outright that Malaysia is malay land.

  2. Just another ketuanan f*ck seeking political relevancy on its sunsetting days!
