Sunday, June 18, 2023



Sunday, June 18, 2023





.. ... "lalu Kami tenggelamkan mereka semuanya"






I really dont know how many decades or how many centuries it is going to take for the Muslim people to realise that as societies around the world they are either gross failures or massive underachievers. 

What does this really mean? It means they are fully dependent on other societies to keep them alive. I mean this literally - to really keep them alive. 

So that shall be the focus today. Can the Muslims remain alive if left to fend for themselves? The short answer is no. Or not very well.

Here are just a very few pictures of refugees escaping the hell away from their hellish countries in the Middle East, north Africa and other parts of Africa. Most of these people (if not all) are Muslims. Arabs, north Africans, Africans, Afghans etc.

They make their way to the Mediterranean coast in North Africa and then board a boat or a tub to cross the sea to Europe. In the process thousands have drowned in the sea. 

There were rescuers who came to help them, either Italian kafirs, French kafirs or even Israeli Jewish kafirs who saved many of them, gave them food and shelter and allowed these people into the kafir countries where they could seek a living.

All these people who are drowning are the victims of the stupidity of their societies. Their societies make them stupid. Their societies keep them from using their brains and thinking progressively. Their societies support the religious charlatans, the religious leaders and their religious as well as political systems that eventually make them drown in the sea.  

So please stop blaming your leaders. Stop blaming your  lebais. It is you who are stupid. It is you who carry these people on your shoulders and allow them to piss on your heads.

 Look at this poster here.

Apakah rakyat Kelantan yang diperbodohkan atau memang penyokong depa sendiri yang bodoh? Sebab sudah lebih 30 tahun air paip sudah menjadi air lumpur. Air lecah. Tetapi penyokong masih undi lebai yang jual air lumpur.

And we still remember the following episode.


That RM90 million was stolen money. Money stolen from the people. Duit rakyat. But that lebai fellow is still walking around like a hero - because he is a hero to the unthinking supporters. Please dont be too arrogant. You behave like this or you support behaviour like this and one day you will also be floating in the sea. It will happen.

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