Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Kedah PAS wing: Anwar a failed PM, 'disturbed' over Sanusi

Kedah PAS wing: Anwar a failed PM, 'disturbed' over Sanusi

Kedah PAS Women's wing has described Anwar Ibrahim as a failed prime minister.

Its information chief Mardhiyyah Johari stated this was because the premier appeared to be disturbed by political competition from Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor.

"Anwar's failure to focus on his duties as the country's prime minister and finance minister is clear evidence that he has lost his judgement in differentiating between a political foe and his responsibility as the country's leader.

"Sanusi has repeatedly said that the lawsuit between him and Anwar is a personal matter," she said in a statement today.

This, Mardhiyyah added, should not affect the federal government's relationship with the Kedah state government, at the expense of Kedahans and the state's future.

Kedah PAS Women information chief Mardhiyyah Johari

She cited Anwar's purported failure in responding to Sanusi's repeated requests to meet to resolve the issue of land valuation in Penang and the construction of the Kulim International Airport (KXP).

The refusal to meet served as evidence that Anwar was behaving unfairly to Kedah and its people, she alleged further.

It was reported in February that the Kedah state government would continue convincing Putrajaya about the benefits that can be gained through the construction of KXP, which was not considered in Budget 2023.

Sanusi claimed that he had sent three letters to Anwar so far, requesting a meeting, but alleged that the latter had refused.

Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor

Anwar, when presenting Budget 2023 in the Parliament earlier this year, said the federal government could not consider the construction of a new airport in Kulim.

Instead, Anwar said the government planned to upgrade the Penang International Airport and the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang, rather than developing a new hub.

According to the finance minister, the upgrading work would be carried out at a much lower cost compared to the estimated RM7 billion for the proposed new airport.

‘Feudalistic relationship’

Meanwhile, Mardhiyyah warned that the prime minister's "outdated political attitude" could lead to a trust deficit crisis for Harapan and BN, especially among the tech-savvy youths.

She then urged Anwar to address this issue promptly, mainly on matters pertaining to the "feudalistic" relationship between the federal government and Kedah state government.

"The prime minister needs to be humble and must set aside his ego.

“He must understand that the intentions of the sultan and Kedah MB in the land valuation involving Penang and the KXP project are solely for the sake of Kedahans and their future.

"It would be a great loss if this development project is not implemented due to differences in political views and understanding between leaders at the state and federal levels," she said.

1 comment:

  1. This b***h sounds so reasonable that one is tempted to believe her every uttering.

    But we know what comes out from the mouth of PAS' members is nothing but lies and filth.

    The hypocrisy, I must say, is truly mind boggling.
