Friday, June 23, 2023

Britons who want to rejoin EU at highest levels since 2016, survey finds


Britons who want to rejoin EU at highest levels since 2016, survey finds

Data showed 58% would vote to re-enter bloc, while respondents said they trusted the European Commission more than the UK government

Seven years after the Brexit referendum, the proportion of Britons who want to rejoin the EU has climbed to its highest levels since 2016, according to a new survey.

Both Britons and Europeans are also a lot less likely to think other countries would follow Britain’s example, and Britons are more optimistic about the bloc’s future – to the extent of trusting the European Commission more than their own government.

Data from YouGov’s latest Brexit tracker survey found that, excluding those who said they would not vote or did not know, 58.2% of people in Britain would now vote to rejoin.

The percentage is only fractionally down on the 60% recorded in February this year – the highest figure since comparable data began in February 2012 – and has risen more or less consistently since a post-referendum low of 47% in early 2021.

Across most of the EU member states surveyed, support for continued membership has now dropped back to levels it enjoyed before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which sparked a strong surge in pro-European sentiment, the YouGov figures showed.

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Asked whether they would vote to remain in the EU or leave in a Brexit-style referendum, 62% of respondents in France and 63% in Italy, which are traditionally among the least enthusiastic EU member states, said they would vote to stay.

Elsewhere in the EU, 87% of respondents in Spain said last month they would choose to remain, along with 79% in Denmark, 70% in Sweden and 69% in Germany.

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