Thursday, May 11, 2023

Dominic Lau, apa yang kau sebut disebut secara "too little too late"

Lau to PN partner Hadi: All races can prosper, no plunderers

An individual’s racial background is not a contributing factor to corruption, said Gerakan president Dominic Lau.

Met by Malaysiakini, he reminded PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang - Gerakan’s partner in Perikatan Nasional (PN) - that all individuals have the potential to prosper based on their own efforts.

“I don’t agree that non-Malays are thieves because all individuals will prosper on their own efforts.

“There were no elements of plundering,” said Lau who responded to Hadi’s reported views on non-Muslims and non-Malays being the “biggest plunderers”.

“I certainly disagree with the views labelling non-Muslims and non-Malays as a major source of corruption in the country.

“This is because history has shown that race is not a determining factor for corruption,” he said yesterday.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang

On Tuesday, Hadi reiterated calls for the Malays to unite, saying the race is being openly conned.

The Marang MP also claimed Malays have lost their political power and were being deceived due to their ignorance.

Hadi did not mention any names but reportedly slammed Malays who work with non-Muslims and non-Malays who he claimed are the “biggest plunderers”.

Follow coalition’s stand

Meanwhile, Lau, who maintained Gerakan’s support for Hadi’s move to speak up against corruption, also claimed PN’s “consistent stand” on the issue was unlike BN and Pakatan Harapan.

He added that any differing views between Gerakan and PAS can and have been discussed between the parties on the PN platform.

Lau (second left) and Hadi (right) with PN chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin (second right)

“In the spirit of PN, we will raise any issues where we have differing views.

“But once any decision has been made, then we will follow the coalition’s stand on any particular issue,” he added.

Multiple police reports were lodged against Hadi and he was investigated over a similar remark he made last year, that the majority of the corrupt are non-Muslims and non-bumiputera.

However, no action has been taken against him thus far.

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen somebody as dense as this Lau fella.

    He obviously doesn't think Hadi will f**k him up when the time comes.

    What a fool! Hadi is simply biding his time and tolerating Gerakan in PN so that PN has a veneer of "multi-racial" composition.

    But since Lau has bent forward, he deserves to be f****d by Hadi in the a**e.
