Monday, February 13, 2023

China says US flew more than 10 high-altitude balloons over Chinese airspace


China says US flew more than 10 high-altitude balloons over Chinese airspace

The suspected Chinese spy balloon drifts to the ocean after being shot down off the coast in Surfside Beach, South Carolina February 4, 2023. — Reuters pic

Monday, 13 Feb 2023 4:49 PM MYT

BEIJING, Feb 13 — China said today that US high altitude balloons had flown over its airspace without permission more than 10 times since the beginning of January 2022.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin, responding to a question at a regular media briefing in Beijing, did not provide further details.

Asked how China had responded to the flights, Wang said China’s response to such incidents is responsible and professional.

China’s assertion comes after the United States earlier this month shot down what it says was a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina. Beijing says the balloon was a civilian research craft and accused Washington of overreacting.

The US military has subsequently shot down three other flying objects over North America. — Reuters


  1. I very much doubt any US balloon overflew actual China sovereign territory. The PLA would have happily blown them to bits.

    South China Sea uninhabited islands that NOBODY else recognises as sovereign China territory don't count.

    1. Despite yr eagerness in defending yr uncle Sam, mfer, u should read carefully into what have yr idol commented/said before u fart!

      Those US spying balloons were loitering high within the stratosphere above China proper.

      BTW, u can keep farting about yr nobody SCS fart? They r foul leak to ease yr stomach!

    2. Talk is Ultra Cheap.
      Show the evidence, like the Wankees showed on Prime Time TV broadcast to the whole world.

    3. So u know talk is cheap!

      Then wait for the next kill from the Chinese - probably near the Po Hai where the Chinese Navy has encircled an unidentified undersea object!

    4. Wakakaka ................ read this :

      Scroll down to the 2nd last para :

      By contrast, when China shot down a U.S. spy balloon inside its borders in 1974, both nations handled the episode quietly. China and the United States were rebuilding diplomatic relations after a 23-year break, and the Chinese government kept the incident hidden by labeling it a military secret, according to an article in a magazine managed by the party school of the central committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

      Unfortunately the English medium internet is highly controlled (censored) by the US of A through the many agencies e.g. The US has deleted all the full US-China Alaska meeting video in March 2021 and only left a US one-sided minute speech. Why is the US so scared of the full meeting video?

      i.e. the part of the highly entertaining recording where the Chinese Yang Jiechi, director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission Office, and Wang Yi, China's foreign minister "screwed" U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan left and right.

      Only people like you are easily being brainwashed.

    5. Ask your friends in USA who watched Wankees showed on Prime Time TV broadcast to the whole world live! Wankees shot 3 times 1 kill, wakakaka ...............
