Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Rafizi’s number one data

Rafizi’s number one data

Rafizi Ramli

Life of Annie

By Annie Lau

Nov 6, 2022

Rafizi’s data?

As the great MMA fighter Khabib said “This is number one bullshit”.

The other day the guy said data collected by his multi-million ringgit Invoke team concluded that Dr Mahathir didn’t contribute to Pakatan’s victory in 2018 and that’s why they don’t want him in their team for GE15.

Dr Mahathir replied if that was so, why did Pakatan made him the PM after the last general election?

Exactly spot on.

Any political analyst worth his salt would know that without Dr Mahathir, Pakatan would not win in 2018 even with all the 1MDB shit being floated around.

Multitude of Malays were so sympathetic with the handsome old man that they swallowed all the shit Pakatan was peddling and voted against BN that year.

It was Najib’s brainless team’s fault for whacking Dr Mahathir like crazy back then without considering that Malays actually hated it when they did that.

Arrogant sons of bitches.

Of course the Dr Mahathir’s factor is no more this time and that’s the real reason why Pakatan doesn’t want him anymore.

You can use the sympathy card of any issue just once. No repeats.

Remember, in 1999, Umno suffered badly due to Malays’ sympathy for the jailed Anwar but in 2004 the coalition scored a landslide victory.

Don’t tell me that Rafizi’s Invoke didn’t realise this.

Today, the guy said his outfit’s data indicated that Tok Mat is not safe in Rembau.


He never gave the details of the Invoke’s data though.

Rembau voters are roughly more than 70 per cent Malays, 16 per cent Indians and nine per cent Chinese.

KJ won there by over 4,000 majority in 2018 amidst the BN meltdown at that time.

There’s no indication that things have gone worse for BN there over the past four years.

In fact, Tok Mat convincingly won his Rantau state constituency, which is part of Rembau in the 2019 by-election.

Rantau voters are roughly 54 per cent Malays, 28 per cent Indians and 19 per cent Chinese.

Yup, Rantau is less Malay than Rembau.

Okay, I know, Rafizi was just trying to sow doubts among the BN people and instil some confidence among Pakatan people but the bullshit was a little bit too obvious lah.

He should have picked on something more realistic.

Honestly, I never really care much about the findings of all those outfits, like Invoke, Merdeka Centre and such.

Their readings of things were so conveniently one sided to suit their political preferences.

I’m only commenting on this one by Rafizi because it’s too farcical to ignore.

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