Monday, November 07, 2022

Rafizi trains guns on PN, lists its failures in govt

Rafizi trains guns on PN, lists its failures in govt

Rafizi Ramli said voting for PN would mean voting to ‘relive’ PN’s administration.

PETALING JAYA: PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli has trained his guns at Perikatan Nasional (PN), listing the coalition’s main failures during its 18 months in power.

He said these failures included the poor handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a failure to provide National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) discounts and the alleged involvement of Bersatu-PN leaders in scandals.

“During Muhyiddin Yassin’s time as prime minister, the people went through two long Movement Control Orders (MCO) which affected the economy.

“This also failed to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, with the country recording 4.92 million cases and 36,482 deaths,” he said in a statement.

Rafizi said PN’s promises regarding PTPTN in its recently launched manifesto should have been fulfilled when Muhyiddin was prime minister and when Wan Saiful Wan Jan was the chairman of PTPTN.

Muhyiddin is the PN chairman while Wan Saiful is the information chief of PN lynchpin Bersatu.

Rafizi questioned how PN would be able to fulfil its promise given the current economic situation.

“Even now, PTPTN is borrowing at a commercial rate from private financial institutions and lending to students at a low-interest rate without receiving any full repayments,” he said.

On the alleged involvement of PN figures in scandals, Rafizi cited the naming of Bersatu politicians in a forensic audit report on the littoral combat ships (LCS) issue.

Rafizi urged voters not to forget these failures, adding the 18 months were “agonising” for the people.

“Voting for PN would mean voting to relive those 18 months,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. Even Mother Nature is not cooperating with BN.
    BN UMNO had tarred PH concerns raised about elections timing and floods as scaremongering...

    And then some areas started to flood...
