Tuesday, November 08, 2022

PAS may face tricky battle to win over Kelantan state amid economic slowdown

PAS may face tricky battle to win over Kelantan state amid economic slowdown

Despite several ongoing basic infrastructure projects, some Kelantanese are hoping for even more development in the state that has been ruled by the Malaysian Islamic Party for 32 years.


  1. Kelantanese PAS supporters don't care about economic slow-downs.....
    Vote PAS and go to Jannah.

  2. One fact I realise from my visits to rural Kelantan, is that the base cost of living in Kelantan, if you live a simple life and not chase modern luxuries, is amazingly low.
    You can actually live on very little cash income in Kelantan.

    That is why many rural folks are semi-immune to outsiders touting "development" and raising risks of "economic slowdown" in Kelantan.
