Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Muhyiddin: “PAS MBs for Pahang, Perlis if PN captures both states”

Muhyiddin: “PAS MBs for Pahang, Perlis if PN captures both states”

PERIKATAN Nasional will have menteri besars from PAS for Pahang and Perlis if the coalition captures the two states in the upcoming 15th general election, said its chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

“Insya Allah, Perlis will be captured by PN in GE15 and if that happens, we will have a PAS leader leading the state,” he was quoted as saying by Berita Harian at a ceramah in Pendang, Kedah last night.

“In Pahang (PAS deputy president) Tuan Ibrahim (Tuan Man) is contesting a parliamentary and state seat, and if we win in the state, he will become the menteri besar there.”

Both Perlis and Pahang are currently ruled by the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.

According to Muhyiddin who is also the incumbent Pagoh MP, the PN coalition has no issues of letting PAS leaders administer Perlis and Pahang, given their “excellent track record” in states that the Islamic party already leads, namely Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.

“I sense that there is strong support for PN at the moment, and within these two weeks we hope that this huge wave will be able to defeat Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Harapan (PH),” he remarked.

The former prime minister further urged UMNO supporters to think about the speculations that BN may work with Pakatan Harapan chairman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to form a government post-GE15.

“BN has admitted that it would not win enough seats to form a government, and is willing to work with anyone to reach the goal,” he said.

“I have heard an audio recording of a discussion between BN and PH leaders [about a collaboration between both coalitions] and that that Anwar will become the prime minister while [UMNO president Datuk Seri Ahmad] Zahid [Hamidi] will become his deputy.

“Also, remember that there is DAP in PH.” – Nov 8, 2022


kt comments:

Moox2 sure knows what makes PAS squirm with ecstasy and rapture, wakakaka

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