Monday, July 11, 2022

Zelensky Sacked 5 Ambassadors – Panicked Over U.S. & Allies Incapability To Sustain Current Level Of Support

Zelensky Sacked 5 Ambassadors – Panicked Over U.S. & Allies Incapability To Sustain Current Level Of Support

Zelensky has just sacked Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, India, Norway, Hungary and Czech Republic. The stunning mass firing has raised eyebrows because one of the envoys – Andriy Melnyk – had served in Germany for 7 years. No explanation was offered for the dismissal, but Zelensky has urged his diplomats to drum up international support and military aid for Ukraine.

The educated guess – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was upset, panicked even, after increasing signs showing that the Western powers might eventually cut the loss and abandon the Ukraine War. And he is blaming the ambassadors for not aggressive enough in pushing those five nations for more support and resources – money or weapons – to fight the Russian.

Beginning June, roughly 100 days into the Ukraine War, Western powerful media have begun cutting down on false narratives that Ukraine was winning. Even Ukrainian officials have spoken of the heavy human cost of the war, admitting its forces were outnumbered and outgunned. Gone are fake news of thousands of Russian helicopters, aircrafts, and drones dropping from the sky every day.

As the war entered its 100th day, CNN reported on June 3 that the U.S., together with Britain and European Union, were actively discussing the ceasefire frameworks to end the war through settlement. The discussion – without any Ukraine involvement – could see Biden pressuring Zelensky to abandon the wish to join NATO. However, Moscow doesn’t seem to be interested in serious talks.

British tabloid the Guardian published on June 2 that weapons sent to Ukraine will end up in criminal hands. A week later (June 9), it again poured cold water into the narrative that Ukraine was winning, saying that ending the war as soon as possible would be “in the best interests of Ukraine and the West“. It finally admits that Ukrainian casualties have been especially high.

Stunningly, the next day (June 10), the Guardian issued an eye-popping headline – Ukrainian casualties are running at a rate of between 600 and 1,000 a day. The number – more than 20,000 deaths a month – was extremely surprising because the Western media had been mocking the high number of casualties on Putin forces, while hiding the deaths of Zelensky’s forces.

Likewise, the New York Times started to complain that the untrained Ukrainian forces were struggling with American sophisticated weapons, so much so Ukrainians had to use Google Translate to decipher operating manuals. Later (June 8), the same U.S. media offered another excuse why Ukraine was losing the war – U.S. intelligence community knew very little about Ukraine’s war strategy.

But even before those American and British media made the spectacular U-turn, Germany knew that Putin would eat Zelensky for lunch. The 1,000 years of Russian history would not have existed if the world’s largest country could be easily defeated by Ukraine. Hence, Germany has been dragging its feet, reluctant to send heavy weapons to Ukraine – till it was too late.

By the time Germany agreed to send three M270 medium-range artillery rocket systems, Russian forces had already taken over the entire Luhansk region, having eliminated the Ukrainian forces. Still, Berlin has rejected a request to deliver 200 Fuchs armoured personnel carriers. Ukraine has since surrendered Severodonetsk and Lysychansk – the last city in the Luhansk region that was still under Ukrainian control.

Germany’s economic sanction on Russia has backfired. President Vladimir Putin has reduced Russian gas supply by 60% through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which provides fuel to the Europe’s largest economy via the Baltic Sea. Germany, and the Europen Union for that matter, now fear a potential permanent halt to the flow of Russian gas.

Despite the chest-thumping sanctions on Moscow, the West flipped-flop when Canada, after consultation with Germany, made yet another U-turn. To Zelensky’s horror, a temporary sanction exemption was issued, allowing Canada to return a repaired turbine to Russia’s Gazprom, who has used the delayed return of the equipment as an excuse to reduce flows of Russian gas.

India’s crude oil imports from Russia, meanwhile, have jumped over 50 times since April, making 10% of the country’s crude import. Before the Ukraine War, Russian oil constituted just 0.2% of India’s total oil import. Indian refiners bought about 25 million barrels of Russian oil in May alone. Last month, Russia overtook Saudi Arabia to become India’s second-biggest supplier of oil.

India, the world’s third-biggest oil-importing and consuming nation, has defended purchases of crude oil from Russia despite criticisms from the U.S. and E.U. Lecturing the West, India said what it buys from Russia in a month is less than what Europe buys from Russia in an afternoon. Obviously, the sacked Ukrainian ambassador to India was powerless to stop trade between India and Russia.

Some members of the European Union that are against a total sanction on Russian oil included Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic. The Czech imported 87% of its gas from Russia in 2021. Does Zelensky expect the Czech would blindly listen to his ambassador to fight the Russian and risk Moscow turning off the taps on gas supply to the country?

Let’s forget about Russian oil and gas, which have already done an excellent job creating havoc and chaos to Europe, America and even the world. Can the military superpower United States indefinitely supply weapons to Zelensky’s boys? On Friday (July 8), U.S. President Joe Biden signed yet another new weapons package worth up to US$400 million for Ukraine.

The additional four HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) would bring the total number of the U.S. weapon systems to 12 for Ukraine. The provision comes with conditions – Kyiv cannot use them to hit targets inside Russian territory. Washington has warned of the danger of escalation if it strikes deep inside Russia – clearest sign that the U.S. is terrified of going to war with Russia.

Washington has so far authorized aid package of about US$54 billion in military and other assistance. Despite Biden’s pledge to stand with Ukraine for “as long as it takes”, the New York Times now admits that eventually the U.S. and European stocks of weapons will run low. The military aid passed by Congress is expected to last into the second quarter of next year.

Can the U.S. continue to give another round of US$54 billion aid to Ukraine at the expense of its own American people? Zelensky’s constantly begging for more money and weapons have become so annoying that the US Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville said the more weapons the Ukrainians obtain from the West, “the more they desire”. Apparently, Ukraine now wants attack helicopters.

How long will the Russia-Ukraine conflict lasts? Not even the best American and British intelligence have the answer. But one thing is sure – no one expects another US$54 billion when the money runs out. That’s why Biden administration repetitively warned Zelensky not to escalate the war beyond Ukraine. The U.S. has no plan to send its troops to face Russian forces.

At the same time, however, Biden and the Democrats wanted to prolong the war until the November midterm elections. U.S. presidents always go to war, or manufacture a military conflict as a means of diverting public attention from scandals or domestic politics. It had happened during the Bush era and it is happening again during current Biden administration.

Biden’s latest approval rating has crashed to just 30% – the lowest mark – based on Civiqs Poll. Among the youngest voters, age 18 to 34, the survey shows the president’s rating at merely 21%. Recession, high gas prices, a shortage of baby formula, mass shootings are just some of Biden’s mismanagement. Even Donald Trump’s lowest-ever number was 39% during a similar Civiqs Poll in 2017.

Therefore, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell why Biden keeps sending weapons to Ukraine to prolong the war. But Putin also knew that, and he is betting that Russia can outlast the inpatient West. The fatigue factor and the economic cost have begun taking its toll, with Aussie PM Scott Morrison and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson out of power – indirectly due to Ukraine War.

While Washington scrambles to find a long-term solution to end the Ukraine conflict without looking like the West has lost to Russia, badass Putin has challenged and provoked the U.S. and NATO to defeat Russia on the battlefield. The Russian president mocked and laughed – “Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. What can you say, let them try.”

Whether Putin was bluffing or not, he warned Zelensky and his Western allies that Moscow has not even started its military campaign in Ukraine. He said – “Everyone should know that we have not started anything in earnest yet. At the same time we are not refusing to hold peace negotiations but those who are refusing should know that it will be harder to come to an agreement with us”.

Zelensky told Group of Seven (G7) leaders last week that he wanted the war over by the end of the year. But the unrealistic plan has seen serious doubts in Washington about whether that is possible militarily. Sleepy Joe and his allies are trapped. The U.S. and NATO do not want to be seen as pressuring Zelensky to negotiate a deal with Putin. At the same time, it’s impossible for Ukraine to win.

Worse, weapons sent to Ukraine are frequently being bombed to oblivion by Russian forces. Not only economic and financial sanctions imposed on Moscow have failed to isolate Russia, the Biden administration is losing another war trying to swing major nations like China, India and Brazil to its side. In Asia, only American allies Japan, South Korea and Singapore have condemned the Kremlin’s invasion.

During the G20 foreign ministers meeting in Bali, Indonesia on Friday (July 8), Western powers tried to humiliate Russian top diplomat Sergei Lavrov by bombarding him with criticisms. But the well-prepared Mr Lavrov made only a brief appearance at the session and walked out, refusing to be lectured. He said the West’s sanctions were causing collateral damage to the global economy.

More importantly, despite the so-called sanctions, the Russian foreign minister has been able to fly freely, enjoying himself with counterparts from nations that have declined to join the Western-led coalition against his country. Foreign ministers from China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Argentina and Indonesia were seen chilling out with him at a G20 gathering. Russia is far from being isolated.


  1. Wakakaka…

    Dying to bread what that old moneyed mfer would twist a demoNcratic fart out of this piece!

    Glory to Ukraine?

    Yaloh, in his wettest dream.

  2. The only way to save Ukraine is for NATO to be involved in actual fighting. Providing weapons piecemeal is not going to help. And this is made worse by Ukrainian soldiers being unfamiliar and untrained in use of the new weapons.

    Of course, if NATO is involved in actual fighting, we can say goodbye to mother earth as Russia is not shy to use its nuclear weapons.

    NATO and the US have to find a way to disengage gracefully. As it is, Europe depends so much on Russian oil and gas and winter is approaching. Russia really have Europe by the b***s.
