Monday, July 11, 2022

Taxpayers Funds To Refund Visa Furada Scam Victims ?? Kepala B_p_k Engkau !!

OutSyed The Box

Monday, July 11, 2022

Taxpayers Funds To Refund Visa Furada Scam Victims ?? Kepala B_p_k Engkau !!

The tourism, arts and culture ministry said yesterday that the affected pilgrims would have their fares refunded and their passports returned.

That is what I read here:

Cops arrest 5 over stranded haj pilgrims
  • July 9, 2022
  • police said over 22 reports filed by affected pilgrims
  • Police arrested five people over 400 pilgrims stranded at KLIA
  • 2 men, 3 women, include owner of travel agency, agent, 2 employees
  • police recording statements of suspects, would seek remand order
  • case involved losses of about RM760,000

The tourism, arts and culture ministry said yesterday that the affected pilgrims would have their fares refunded and their passports returned.

pilgrims issued furada visa without going through Tabung Haji

My Comments :

This is a police case. Why is the Ministry of Tourism issuing statements about refunding the fares of these scam victims?

Hello Ministry of Tourism, where is the money coming from to refund the scam victims? Have the Police recovered any of their money yet?

If the Police have NOT recovered any of the money then how can the Ministry of Tourism issue a statement that the fares of these scam victims will be refunded?

Please do not say that taxpayers funds (my money) will be used to refund the fares for these scam victims.

This is the dumbest and stupidest scam for this morning. (Because rest assured that tomorrow there will be even more dumber scams in this country.)

You have the absolute right to be stupid. Engkau orang berhak sungguh untuk menjadi orang bodoh yang mudah kena tipu.

Hari-hari kena tipu scammer, kena tipu pemimpin, kena tipu pak lebai, kena tipu ahli politik. Ini kau orang punya bodoh punya pasal. But please dont burn aku punya duit pula nak tampal kau orang punya bodoh.

Tak ada pun binatang namanya Visa Furada. Pasal apa tak Google dulu.

The loss is more than RM760,000.

400 victims x say RM35,000 each = around RM 14 JUTA ! !

Ok the Police have arrsted five kuchi rats or machais.

But who and where is the master-mind?

Where is the money? RM14 million (ok lah plus minus one or two million) is a lot of money.

Have the Police recovered any of the money yet? That is more important.

These are simple people. They put their faith in the scammers.

Do something urgent to recover that money and return the money to the victims.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that Syed expressed his disagreement with the idea of using taxpayers' money to refund these victims.

    But then, is it because those cheated are muslims and it involves the haj that the Tourism Ministry willingly will use taxpayers' money to refund them?

    Not a surprise, is it? Everything to protect the favoured race and religion.
