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This lie must be punished because it's an insult to Islam |
"“The message is that hopefully not just towards those who hold the PR status, but also Malaysians whether they are Muslims or not — be prepared to receive punishment if (you) dare to mencemari (defile) the sanctity of this country’s official religion,” the paper’s collective voice of its editors wrote today."
Can Utusan promise to uphold its threat? Given that Utusan is nothing more than an UMNO mouthpiece, can we then hold the UMNO government to this promise, to "punish those who dared to insult Islam"?
And why wait until Islam is insulted in the future? Why not those who have already insulted Islam, especially during the holy month of Ramadan?
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Another lie, another further insult to Islam |
Insulting Islam would include those UMNO leaders, members and apparatchiks (guess who's one of them, wakakaka) who lied/lie through their bloody rotten political teeth and fabricate evil tales against their political foes, cheated the nation and who have been on the 'take'.
Insulting Islam should include those UMNO leaders, members and apparatchiks who brought Islam into disrepute through their oppressive, arrogant and abusive (of power) conduct and behaviour.
ReplyDeleteHamas Leader Son Mosab Hassan Yousef "Islam is the BIGGEST LIE in History & the BIGGEST DANGER"
DeleteInteresting...the Hamas leader's son has since become a Christian, an American resident and Israeli intelligence informer.
The father disowned the son, and the son has repudiated Hamas and the father's cause.
Truth hurts. Lies make life better. WAKAKAKA
ReplyDeleteISLAM will Collapse in 10 Years : Ex-Muslim
A bit hot eh to release all the comments, KT? :)
ReplyDeletePolice execute armed thugs.
I fully support the men in blue.
No mercy !
In these modern times of the internet where news spread within clicks and seconds, we have to redefine the meaning of insult so that we ensure we do not occupy all our precious time in dwelling with all the insults, real or perceived; serious or trivial.
ReplyDeleteInsults are non-physical in nature and only affect our feelings and perhaps honour. So, how we react is of utmost importance. In earlier times, we would challenge the other party to a duel eventhough we know we would be out-gunned and would die in the process. Honour was more important than life then. Now, we call it folly.
We have to grow a thicker skin now. If someone says that my mother is a whore, I would respond that she is not, is yours? If she were indeed one, I would probably say that at least it is an honest living unlike those corrupted ones who steal from the people.
And if I were accused of corruption and the like, I would sue and see him in court. If someone insults my religion, I would try to explain and correct any misconception the other party may have of my religion and leave it to my God to take care of it.
It has been proven again and again that those who react unreasonably and irrationally towards insults are those who are insecure in their faith and in themselves. What more can I say?
A timely reminder from the home minister to deputy minister Waytha that he is just an ornamental fixture in the cabinet.
If the previous home minister could offer sympathy and fly back the body for burial of the Malaysian Malay terrorist shot dead overseas all at the expense of our country treasury, what's wrong with Waytha crawling out of his doggie house tucked within the PM's ministry to make his first public mouthing in support of his Indian community ? 2X5, sama sama je. But bear in mind MIC or Hindraf or for that matter, the non Malays parties/groups can never ever win against UMNO, heheheh. So dear Mr Waytha, just toe the line lah....after all, you have put in the effort which will last you for the next 6 months, enough to earn your keep at the doggie house.
DeleteJust an aside
Altantuya's murder....
Razak Baginda is innocent...
Now Azilah and Sirul are innocent....
Altantuya's death is now officially a crime without a perpetrator...
Or as Agatha Christie said...the Butler did it...
As for me, I still have strong suspicions it goes up all the way to the top Chain of Command....
What say you ?
Sometimes, the obvious is the truth......
DeleteIs Ktemoc getting tired of blogging ?
ReplyDeleteI see he doesn't even moderate his comments regularly....
Anyway its a useless blog just primarily focused on ripping into Anwar Ibrahim and PKR, with occasional side jabs at UMNO (almost the same thing as PKR)
A young woman is killed, blown up by military grade plastics explosives, not available in your corner 7-11.
ReplyDeleteSomewhere linked to the murder are powerful people connected to the Prime Minister (then Defence Minister) and his personal bodyguard special forces detail.
Now the courts have found everybody who was charged with the crime innocent, and they are all free as a bird (the close associate of the then Defence Minister even got released on bail in the course of a MURDER trial.
I think only stupid idiots or SCUMNO scumbags can still think this is a normal, properly conducted trial.
"Punish those who insult Islam - kaytee agrees"
ReplyDeleteBe careful what you ask for.
Every day sundry Chinese ranging from DAP Leaders to internet bozos like Alvivi insult Islam.
Yes I agree they should incur the maximum penalty for insulting the official religion of the country.
But we must be consistent, and FIRST punish those UMNO hypocrites who are corrupt, tell shameless ies and fabricate bull for political interests
DeleteInsults and prejudices against ANY religious tradition cannot be condoned. We should take a staunch and steadfast action when the circumstances warranted it.
ReplyDeleteFor the Muslims there are bounds of transgression which Muslims must not cross. A slandering and blasphemy against Islam by a Muslim must be dealt in accordance with the Syariah. However, as Allah is constantly ready to forgive, then this divine action must always be considered when there exist strong mitigating factors especially when one has repented for his wrong deeds.
How would you apply this to the resort owner in the recent "transgression" incident? He will probably lose his rice-bowl after the demolition and the loss of PR.
DeleteTogether with the bak kut tet, the dog and the surau episodes, it was something like a bogey after bogey issue. The authorities need to send a strong signal to the masses to stop it. If we look from the peace and order angle we would understand the authorities’ stern action. It is unfortunate.
DeleteHowever, religiously speaking, the surau can still be used for Muslim prayers. But the surau also did not comply with the Street Drainage and Building Act 1974. That’s another issue.
I think Alkaf should appeal for the reinstatement of his PR and also on the intended demolishment of the surau. In the meantime he can always arrange for someone else to run his resort or restructure his equity in the outfit.
Most people would agree that the Alvivi couple deserves a stint in jail so that the experience would hopefully bring them back to their senses.
DeleteFor the dog and surau cases, don't you think they should be counselled and given a chance, on the grounds of compassion, which would be in-line with religious teachings? I don't think Alkaf was malicious in his actions, and he do not deserve to be treated like a criminal.
For the demolition order from the local authorities, how about consistency, starting with the most famous of them all, the palace of Mat Deros Zakaria? Otherwise, people will get the impression of politicians above the law etc.
From my ‘shariah’ point of view, all of them, Alvivi, Maznah and Alkaf, should be counseled and forgiven. It is not only about fairness and balance but also to give another chance. But first they must repent. They must admit that they are wrong; they sincerely regretted their actions; they promise and undertake that they shall not repeat their mistakes.
DeleteNow, from the criminal law point of view, i.e. violation of the Sedition Act and also the Penal Code: Would the court find them innocent in the name of freedom and democracy? Or would the court find them guilty of deliberate and malicious intention of outraging religious feelings and insulting the religion?
They are all innocent until proven guilty.It is needless to say that fairness, balance and justice should always be the spirit of the court of law. Sometimes, I do feel that we should have a panel of 7 judges who must reach a unanimous decision to each and every case.
I wonder how the coming screening of Tanda Putera is going to affect the thinking of the viewers.
ReplyDeleteEven if the film is declared to be a fictitious work, May13 is a real incident, and most people will assume the incidents shown are real. Humans are gullible and how are they to differentiate which of the scenes are real and which are not? The urinating scene will surely inflame the already highly emotional feelings between the races right now.
Sometimes we wonder if the actions of state authorites are really in-line with the teachings of religion, or are a distortion of it. Take the case of Lim Sek King aka Abdul Wahid Abdullah who died in a heroic rescue in 1992, and it turned out that he was a Muslim in secret. The non-Muslim wife and children got nothing of his money, property, EPF etc. all of which went to the Malacca Islamic religious council.
ReplyDeleteThey have to take on various jobs just to survive and it took political intervention to release half of the property/money to the suffering family. You can read the archives here:
Commentator "04", I'm afraid I can't publish your comment or advice as it constitutes a sort of criminal threat