Saravanan vs Zamri Vinoth: Two typical Malaysian heroes in a typical Malaysian script
15 Mar 2025 • 1:00 PM MYT

Writer. Seeker. Teacher

Image credit: Makkal Osai
One day, an accident happened.
What was the accident?
A trio of radio DJ’s did something that offended the sentiments of the Malaysian Hindu population.
Why was it an accident?
It is an accident because although the Hindu population are genuinely upset, the trio of DJ likely did not intend to offend them. They did what they did in a flow or a spur of the moment, without aiming to cause anyone grief or offense, but the circumstances in the nation caused their action to be interpreted in a wholly different way.
What happened next?
Saravanan, the MIC deputy chief, jumped into the fray, to defend the “honour and dignity” of the Malaysian Hindus, and called for immediate and firm action to be taken against radio channel, and criticized their staff's lack of cultural sensitivity.
Was he successful?
Yes. One can say he was too successful as a matter of fact. Not only have the trio of DJ’s have been apologising repeatedly like contrite little school boys, ERA FM itself nearly got pulled out of air. Finally, the matter seems to be resolved with ERA FM having to pay a RM 250, 000 fine – a steep fine indeed, for a couple of seconds of fault that I will go out on a limb to say, was likely made without ill intent.
So that was the end of it right?
Nope. The worst is yet to come.
Seeing how the trio of DJ’s and ERA FM were being punished, those who identify with the trio of DJ’s have taken umbrage on their behalf. Some said, enough, you have apologised enough, dear friends, stop apologising less it infringes on the honour and self-respect of all of us.
Zamri Vinoth, the convert Muslim preacher, took it even one step further. Rather than just back up the trio of DJ’s, he decided to “open fire” at the Malaysian Hindu’s instead.
"Many Hindus themselves chant "Vel Vel" while dancing like people possessed and drunk on toddy, but you don't say that's disrespectful.
"What you do is what others see and follow, but when others follow what you do, suddenly you get angry?
"If you're angry next time, don't do things that set a bad example for others! If you want to do it anyway, don't get angry. So choose one..," Zamri said on his Facebook.
The trio of DJ’s might have unknowingly hurt the sentiments of Malaysian Hindus, but it is unlikely that Zamri did not know how his salvo was going to be received.
How was his salvo received?
Well, as expected, Malaysian Hindus are now calling for the book to be thrown at Zamri.
How is our hero, MIC Saravanan reacting to Zamri’s affront?
Well, not to be outdone, MIC Saravanan has challenged Zamri to a debate. Zamri too accepted the challenge and a debate date was set at March 23.
What was the debate going to be about?
Whatever the topic was going to be about, I am more than sure that it is not important, because nobody that is planning to attend the debate will be in any mood to get our hearts and minds enlarged.
Instead, the objective of the debaters , I am quite certain, is to basically defeat the other side by any means necessary, in order to satisfy the supporters on your side.
How would the debate have turned out if the debate had happened?
If the debate had happened, I for one believe that it had the potential to turn what originally started as an accident, to become a full-scale disaster.
The debate would have probably attracted thousands of angry spectators from both sides, who would have likely been very eager to show their commitment to their respective side, by doing whatever they can to bring down their opponent, which then would have created the conditions for things to easily cross the line.
Why do I say that that would have been the case only if the debate happened?
Well, I say that is the case, because Saravanan has thankfully called off the debate today (March 11), in the interest of national harmony.
So how does all of this look on Saravanan and Zamri?
I think they both look good.
Saravanan looks like a leader that stepped forward to defend his community successfully against those who had offended their sentiments and later on, he also withdrew from a debate he mounted, for the sake of “national unity.”
I would say that Saravanan’s profile received a boost because of this unfortunate incident.
Zamri, in turn, also looks good. He also looks like someone who stepped in to save the trio of DJ’s – who were on his side – and pushed back the side that his side was beginning to believe was pushing the DJ’s and the radio station excessively.
That it was Saravanan, and not him, that had pulled back from the debate, also makes him look successful in defending his side.
What does all of this mean to the rest of us though?
Saravanan and Zamri might come out looking like winners due to this unfortunate episode, but for the rest of, the escalation it has caused is probably inching us further to a point of no return.
From the KK Mart socks incident to the KK Mart Ham Sandwich incident to the Zakir Naik gag order incident and now the ERA FM Kavadi uproar, we have been inching closer and closer to a place that we will most likely regret reaching.
Everytime a racial and religious faultline is pressured in the country, “heroes” will jump into the fray, do all sorts of defending and offending moves that will up their name, before letting things cool down once they are done.
In the end, they come up looking like heroes, which is then encouraging other aspiring heroes who wish to make their name to follow in their footsteps the next time that a racial and religious faultline is pressured in the country, but every time we have a hero upping the temperature in the nation, it doesn’t cool down fast enough until the next hero bursts into the scene.
For now, all our heroes are able to take a back step before the temperature rises too high, but who is to say when this will no longer be the case?
At some point, the rising temperature is going to hit a critical level, and cause a chain reaction that will not allow the temperatures to cool down, even after the heroes who jumped into the fray decide to back down.
At that point, I fear, even if all the heroes in the country jump into the fray, no one will be able to save the day.
kt comments:
Matey, I'm not certain about there being two "heroes" in the above sad episode.
Let's check the definition of a "HERO", which the dictionary says is:
- a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character: Compare heroine ( def 1 ).
He became a local hero when he saved the drowning child.
- a person who, in the opinion of others, has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal: Compare heroine ( def 2 ).
My older sister is my hero.
Entrepreneurs are our modern heroes.
I doubt there was anything 'noble' in Zamri Vinod's behaviour; maybe he might be a 'role model' for some but even then he could hardly be considered by his supporters as an 'ideal' model.
Let's have a 'villain' and Zamri Vinod has been behaving like one, when he uttered MOST disrespectfully: "Many Hindus themselves chant "Vel Vel" while dancing like people possessed and drunk on toddy ..."
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