Friday, November 08, 2024

President Trump Solves Ukraine War in 48 hours


Friday, November 8, 2024

President Trump Solves Ukraine War in 48 hours

This latest news has just come out from Stephen Gardner's YouTube Channel.

Yesterday (Thursday) president Donald Trump has spoken on the telephone to Ukrainian president Vlodimyr Zelenskiye about Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine. Zelenskiye has accepted Trump's suggestions. The plan is as follows:

1. The United States will not be spending anymore of its taxpayers funds for Ukraine.  And the US will pull out all committed "taxpayers funds'' for Ukraine within two months. I assume it refers to whatever American military assets due to go to Ukraine.

2. Zelenskiye must call Russia for peace talks. Zelenskiye has agreed to this as well. It simply means that Trump is putting the onus on Ukraine to stop this war.  

3. There will be a Demilitarised Zone between Ukraine and Russia. Obviously this can only refer to the Ukrainian side of the border. Ukraine must withdraw all its military forces away from the frontier with Russia.  Russia can maintain its army all the way up to the border with Ukraine.

4. Whatever existing Line of Control now will be the new border between Ukraine and Russia.  This is tricky because the Ukainians still occupy a part of Kursk inside Russia. The Russians will want the Ukrainians out of Kursk.  The Russians will be keeping the Russian speaking areas of the Crimea, Lughansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaphorizhia - the main reason why this war began in the first place.

5. Ukraine and Russia must go back to their respective legislatures and formally agree to this settlement. Meaning it must be legally accepted and be binding on both the countries. This will be a serious problem for Ukraine because the legal term of president Vlodymir Zelenskiye has already expired. Zeenskiye is NOT the legitimate president of Ukraine anymore. The term of the Ukrainian parliament has also expired without any new general elections having been held. Putin on the other hand just won re-election in 2024 as the president of Russia with a thumping 85% of the vote.  This is going to be a problem.

6. Ukraine will rebuild the country and Europe will help fund the reconstruction. The United States will not spend any American taxpayers' money to aid in the reconstruction of Ukraine.  (US companies can bid for contracts, funded by Europe?)

7.  No American troops are allowed to set foot in Ukraine. The US military will fully disengage from Ukraine. American crews manning radar systems, Patriot missile systems and helping to maintain F16 fighters will be pulled out of Ukraine. No US Special Forces performing advisory and planning roles on the ground inside Ukraine.

8. Russian president Vladimir Putin has already  signalled publicly that he is ready to speak with president Trump about the details on how to stop the war.

9. Ukraine has accepted Trump's suggestions. Zelenskiye has no choice. The Ukraine war issue is settled.

OSTB : Most certainly there will be no more additional military equipment going from the US into Ukraine. Without American participation, Europe will also pull out. The Brits will possibly become raving mad behind closed doors. They will likely be planning the next assassination attempt against Trump.

This is what the globalists were afraid of. An uncontrollable, 'loose cannon' like Donald Trump in the White House putting a stop to wars here and there. 


  1. Right, Puting poodle biting hard at the warmongers to stop it, not bad...the monster will not be pacified because Puting got his way...rubbish!

  2. While the human toll is terrifying, seems like they had solved the Azov crazies problem, the men behind the curtain cannot use those to cause chaos anyway they want. If Europe has to pay reconstruction is true, it does hint at who was the real aggressor in the first place and the loser in a conflict had to pay repatriation, right? Then the hint that there is an alliance to take out the hidden masters of the world has some truth in it...

    Wanted to share the following but held back because I already binge share so many yesterday, best to stop a bit,


    The machine doesn't fear Trump, Putin OR Xi ...

    They fear Trump, Putin AND Xi.

  3. Rubbish ya....let's see Trump stops the war in 48 hours...hahaha..

  4. There...the monster had uttered Rubbish...indeed...

  5. Rubbish, I will repeat this back to you on January 24 . With link back to this article.

    96 hours after the Trump inauguration, just to remind you how full of Rubbish this article is.

    See you wearing your tin-foil hat !

  6. Interesting, Denzel.


    🔥Denzel: “If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed, if you do read it you’re misinformed.”

  7. We will find out soon enough...sicarrio on overdrive. The title is clickbaity, the content is worth a watch...back in the days, Clintons years or Budh jr years, remember asking the self, when these cartel terrors going to end...
