Wednesday, February 14, 2024

If Not Hamzah, Then "Who" Is The “Mystery” Bersatu Leader Often Seen At PM's Office?

If Not Hamzah, Then "Who" Is The “Mystery” Bersatu Leader Often Seen At PM's Office?

14 Feb 2024

JK Joseph
Repentant ex-banker who believes in truth, compassion and some humour.

Loyal Bersatu stalwarts Hamzah Zainudin and Ahmad Faizal Azumu aka “Peja”. Credit Image: My-Tv Online

In the cloak-and-dagger world of politics, there is always more to it than meets the eye; perhaps, that is what best sums up the “mysterious” goings-on in the troubled opposition party Bersatu which appears to be struggling to contain the fallout from its latest “crisis."

In fact, already finding itself on the defensive after several of its MPs had began making a bee-line to the “greener” side of the unity government by openly declaring their support for PM Anwar, now it appears to be embroiled in yet another internal conflict; this was after one of its unnamed MPs had told a news portal that a certain “state party leader” has often been spotted at the Prime Minister’s Office - and that even some party members were aware of it.

However, the party secretary-general Hamzah Zainudin had vehemently denied the allegation saying that his Bersatu MPs had “sworn” that they did not meet PM Anwar; he also denied that he had met Anwar at the Prime Minister’s Office.

This was in spite of a report by FMT regarding a controversial “whatsapp” message making the rounds, alleging that Hamzah was the said Bersatu leader and that he was at the PMO purportedly to negotiate and scout for government posts!

However, the allegation was promptly shot down by the Larut MP’s aide in a posting on the “X” platform, where he seemed to admit that “someone else went to scout, but Hamzah got the slander (blame)!” (Which means it's true that a Bersatu leader has been going to PMO?)

Moreover, according to the same report, a well-placed source had confided that the Bersatu leader who went to Perdana Putra to meet PM Anwar had promised to deliver the support of more of its MPs for the government with the person then adding that it was another reason why many in the party were losing trust in the party’s leadership.

Truth be told, ever since “losing” power following GE15, the party founded by Dr Mahathir, has always had to fight off constant slurs against it; this includes the allegation that it is basically made up of so-called “frogs” from UMNO lured by power and self-interest with limited governance ability.

Critics have also been having a field day comparing the exclusively Malay-based party with PAS and DAP whose members are seen to be more loyal to their party; moreover, it is also no secret that Bersatu has appeared to have become more and more dependent on its main PN coalition partner PAS for its electoral victories and that gradually it was becoming a liability!

Nevertheless, the gritty Hamzah had recently dismissed claims that all was not well in PN due to the alleged tensions between PAS and Bersatu, insisting that everyone in the Islamist party and the latter were very happy together - fighting for the sake of the rakyat.

Meanwhile, the PN secretary-general had also announced its "shadow cabinet" line-up recently; however, strangely he had stopped short of appointing a "shadow" prime minister saying the question of PN's choice for prime minister should not arise as Muhyiddin was already the chairman of the pact, thus it was not necessary to announce who was going to be the prime minister. (Really?)

In the press conference, Hamzah also unveiled PN’s “shadow" ministers for several important portfolios with Putrajaya MP Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin assigned to finance while Bachok MP Syahir Che Sulaiman was handed the economy portfolio.

Interestingly, Kemaman MP Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar (widely tipped to be a future prime minister candidate from PAS) was appointed to oversee higher education while Alor Setar MP Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden was assigned the youth and sports portfolio.

Meanwhile, accusing Anwar’s Madani government of not giving adequate attention to the rising cost of living issue plaguing the people, the PN secretary-general said that the announcement of the "shadow" ministers was to allow the portfolio chairmen time to prepare for the parliamentary sessions which begin this month end. (Read here)

While the Bersatu secretary-general appears to be putting up a brave front to show that his party and PN were still standing strong, there still seems to be many unanswered questions; for one, there was no mention of his party deputy-president Ahmad Faizal Azumu who has always been known to be outspoken and ambitious, but who appeared to have gone quiet lately. Still, some may say that it should be understandable as Azumu is no longer an MP, having lost the Tambun seat in the last general elections - to Anwar!

Furthermore, to add to the intrigue, Hamzah has also been making some “cryptic” references to his party president and PN chairman Muhyiddin Yassin regarding the latter's status as the prime-minister-in-waiting.

But perhaps, most tellingly, was his denial regarding the “mystery leader” from his own party who has been visiting the PMO. Was there an attempt to cover up? If yes, why?

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