Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Justice for Patrick Khoo gaining traction, may affect outcome of Selangor state poll

Justice for Patrick Khoo gaining traction, may affect outcome of Selangor state poll

UNCLE Patrick Khoo, the 69-year-old senior citizen who was in the media spotlight recently, has attracted a lot of support from animal lovers after a CCTV footage went viral showing a scuffle between him and a Petaling Jaya City Council (MBBJ) dog catcher on March 22.

Khoo was later taken in handcuffs to be charged under Section 186 of the Penal Code for obstructing public servants in the discharge of their functions.

An online petition (https://shorturl.at/prtxX) has been whipped up since last Saturday (May 6), urging the authorities to intervene in the case as soon as possible. The number of people who signed the online petition is fast approaching 1,000 signatures and growing.

“We the rakyat shall hold you morally responsible if Uncle Khoo is sent to prison or fine any amount that the court may find justified,” Clarissa P’ng wrote in the petition addressed to Selangor Menteri Besar of Selangor Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari, State EXCO for Local Government, Public Transport and New Village Development Ng Sze Han and Petaling Jaya City Council mayor Mohamad Azhan Md Amir.

Sources close to Ng said that he had delegated the task to his people to handle, but net citizens said it is not enough. Many have called for justice for Uncle Khoo.

Petitioner Jenny Chong wrote, “We need better accountability from those who (are) entrusted with the job.”

Cynthia Lee wrote: “The abuse of strays has to stop. The abuse of people protecting strays is unacceptable to say the least. The world is watching. Do the right thing, charge the aggressor (the so called official) and release Mr Patrick Khoo.”

In an earlier article, we urged the state government to intervene, saying: “Had there been no intervention to resolve the issues at both local council and state level, this could eventually be a sore point that work against the unity government in the coming state elections.”

“Otherwise it shows the current government is exactly the same as the corrupt and incompetent Najib administration,” wrote another net citizen Philip Wong.

“This kind of abuse of the process must be stopped,” opined Mohanadas KP Balan who pointed out that it is “a travesty of justice and the use of government machinery to protect of their own despite the obvious as seen in the video.”

Mohanadas claimed that the officer seen in the scuffle, 32-year-old Azizul Azzim Norehan is “a known abuser from his previous record.”

Petitioner Thomas Leong did not want a repeat of this incident. “If this Uncle Khoo is charged and convicted just to protect the poor dogs, then this will set a precedent to all the dog catchers out there to act with violence knowing that they are untouchable and above the law,” he wrote.

Khoo faces charges under Section 186 of the Penal Code which states that “whoever voluntarily obstructs any public servant in the discharge of his public functions.”

If found guilty, Khoo can be punished with “imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with fine which may extend to ten thousand ringgit or with both.”

Khoo is currently seeking help from the community to find a home or fosterer for one of his puppies, Hugo, which was caught from his premises on March 22 by a team of MBPJ dog catchers (https://www.facebook.com/reel/774948380646438). – May 9, 2023

1 comment:

  1. To all those petitioners, I say, this is "Malaysia, Truly Asia"
