Saturday, May 13, 2023

Delusional politics of infallible ‘frog maestro’ called Mahathir

Delusional politics of infallible ‘frog maestro’ called Mahathir

By Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy

IT doesn’t mean that if the twice former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad jumped “ship” from UMNO to Bersatu in 2016, from Bersatu to Pejuang in 2020, to GTA (Gerakan Tanah Air) in 2020 and with his abandonment of this coalition yesterday (May 12), he is no longer active in politics.

He might not be with a political party or coalition but he is very much political – a very questionable form of politics.

For Dr Mahathir, jumping from one party to another was due to the failure of others. It was never, never his fault or failure.

He was the clear “albatross around the neck” of GTA. The coalition lost all its seats in the last parliamentary election.

If fact, Dr Mahathir lost his election deposit in the parliamentary constituency of Langkawi. Quite a number of GTA candidates scarified their deposits.

Dr Mahathir has declared that he was leaving GTA because the coalition failed to gain the support of the Malays. So, again, the fault was with others and definitely not him.

Lately, he has authored the Malay Proclamation or Proklamasi Melayu that was signed by parties in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition. He thinks that he by eschewing political parties, he will get the support of Malays in PKR and Amanah or even UMNO for that matter.

As I have argued earlier, the Malay Proclamation is not about improving the future of the Malays but intended as a political document to de-stabilise the unity government headed by PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

For Dr Mahathir, Anwar should not have been the PM of the country in the first place. Since he is the PM, he should not remain long. Hence, the move to bring down the unity government through the mobilisation of support through the Malay Declaration.

Dr Mahathir might not be in a political party now, but he is very much political. Politics for him is not about bringing progressive changes to the nation, but how a tiny group of Malay elites including the infallible him hold and perpetuate power.

Power not for its own sake but to ensure the economic and financial fruits go to those who are close to him.

This is the reason why Anwar called on the rich and powerful Malays especially those who benefited from government policies to part with a portion of their wealth to the poor and needy Malays.

I am glad that Anwar raised the class dimension in Malay politics – that those who have benefited handsomely from preferential policies are those who are behind the Malay Proclamation.

Dr Mahathir in his 90s is a person or leader with an imaginative mind set. He his selective about his memory, forgets what he wants to forget, remembers what he wants and mostly harbours the grandiose delusion that he is gift to the Malays. – May 13, 2203

1 comment:

  1. At this very, very late stage of his life, I find it strange that the old baboon's wife and children have not told him to withdraw from public life and retire.

    He could spend his last days on this earth by recalling all that he has done and try to make amends for the wrongs he inflicted on so many people particularly during Ops Lallang.

    After all, muslims, when wishing each other Selamat Hari Raya Puasa would add "Maaf Zahir & Batin". But, this old man would not understand nor accept that he has done wrong; thus no need to seek forgiveness.

    There is nothing more painful then dying without achieving your last goal. To him ousting Anwar as PM is indeed his most important and ultimate objective.

    But, this old fool will die with his heart full of hate and regret and much pain because I doubt he will achieve Anwar's ouster before he kicks the bucket.
