Sunday, March 19, 2023


OutSyed The Box

Sunday, March 19, 2023


For some time now (perhaps since the Vietnam War) three SATANS have been shedding human blood all over the world. The three SATANS are the USA, the UK and their sheep skin throw-rug Australia. Often they are assisted by Canada and New Zealand. All five being Anglo-Saxon, English speaking, extremely fond of shedding human blood psychopaths.

In 1999 one of the recalcitrants in Australia publicly begged for a job to be 'America's deputy sheriff'!!

John Hick Howard the Aussie prime minister actually volunteered to shed more human blood. These folks are nuts.

In the latest iteration of this blood-lust the Aussies, US and UK have agreed on another 'lets kill the slopes' venture - it is called AUKUS.

They do not mince their words. After shedding the blood of millions of people in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen they want to shed Chinese blood.

  • AUKUS will dominate Australian defense policy for 30 years
  • all-round containment, encirclement, suppression against China
  • based upon doctrine of forward containment (of China)
  • to supplement US presence in region (aka deputy sheriff).
  • Australia to take part in containment of China
  • A$368 billion AUKUS commitment
  • combined fleet of nuclear subs operating from Perth
  • US will ultimately sell 5 nuclear subs to Australia.
  • Australia, UK, US publicly announced timetable for AUKUS
  • 2023 US nuclear subs will increase port visits to Australia
  • 2026 joined by British nuclear subs.
  • 2030s Australia will buy 3 nuclear subs from US
  • 2030s UK to build first AUKUS nuclear sub
  • 2040s Australia will build own nuclear subs

This is beyond stupid. The answer to this stupidity is that A$368 Billion !! That is more than RM1.0 TRILLION !! This is just a weapons selling scam. Nothing more than that.

The US, UK, Australia, Canada do not fight wars in foreign lands anymore where the enemy can shoot back just as effectively.

Napalm thatch roofed villages in Vietnam yes. The Marines have the guts to do it.

Blow up mud houses in Afghanistan certainly. The Marines have the guts to do that too.

But when the Chinese (and Russians) can zip you up in a body bag before mama can say hee haw, well that is something else.

After the Russians downed that American drone in the Black Sea a few days ago, the US sent another drone but a further 100km out - just to be doubly safe.

In 2019 after the Iranians shot down that American Global Hawk drone (flying at 40,000 - 50,000 feet!!) not only the Americans but even the British cancelled all their surveillance flights over the area. They just chickened out.

China now has the worlds largest navy with almost 400 surface combat ships and submarines. Guess how many combat ships the Aussies have? 200? 150? 100?

Wrong answers. The Aussies have EIGHT frigates (some say SEVEN) - their entire surface combat force. (The HMASSes Anzac, Arunta, Ballarat, Parramatta, Perth, Stuart, Toowoomba, Warramunga)

Ok by 2040s the Aussies hope to have THREE nuclear subs. Maybe FIVE. But by 2040 China may have NINE aircraft carrier battle groups. China now has at least 12 nuclear subs. By 2040 they may have a hundred.

And China will have hundreds of drone submarines prowling the seas.

The AUKUS will be based in Perth which is not only `6000 km from the main Chinese Navy Base at Hainan Island (South China Sea) but the Aussie subs will have to squeeze past numerous channels and chokepoints in Indonesia to get to the South China Sea.

Surely the monstrous Chinese Navy can cut off access to the South China Sea or make the trip extremely hazardous.

And to what purpose? To stop China from becoming the largest and wealthiest economy in the world? Is that it? That's all?

Here is another point of view about AUKUS plus maybe some suggestions. This is from Australia too.


  1. By 2040, the People's Republic of China will be facing a rapidly declining population, the fastest rapidly aging population in the world, the fastest shrinking workforce in the world, the fastest aging workforce in the world, a workforce with Productivity already ranked No.40 in the world,...

    Where is the 100 PLA submarines and NINE carrier battlegroups going to come from ?


    1. Wakakakaka…

      Mfer, why don't u complete these lies with yr wholesome translation of the 台毒 version?

      Or yr 台毒 informant has only hp6 Chinese reading ability?

      Oooop… Gordon Chang has been predicting The Coming Collapse of China in multiple revised books of same title! !

      Would u live long enough to smell yr fart?

  2. The People's Republic of China is building a huge fleet of nuclear submarines as if they are Free of Charge,.

    Australia just wants to acquire eight for deterrence purposes.

    Why are all these Communist arse-lickers jumping up and down like Berok condemning Australia ?

    1. How about as a signed of the UN brokeraged Non-Proliferation of Nuclear weapons Treaty?

      Ooop… the WASP r allowed to treat their signatures on international documents as trash!

  3. I am of a generation that still remembers, and appreciates that when the night was at its darkest, the Aussies stood beside Malaya/ Malaysia.

    The struggle against the Communist Terrorists 1948 -1957 and Konfrontasi 1963 - 1966 when our giant neighbour declared that Malaysia has no right to exist as a nation.

    Of course, Australia was acting on what they saw as their national interest. Everybody does, especially when you have to justify why lives and treasure are at stake.

    But it does not change the fact.

    When the chips were down , the Aussies stood with Malaysia, when it mattered most.

    This old man hasn't forgotten, and will never call the Aussies as Satan.

    1. In 1948 -1957, the kangaroos were fighting for its queen & country - to protect it's masters ill-gotten lodes of natural resources.

      During Konfrontasi 1963 - 1966, the kangaroos were tied down by involvement in the Indonesian Confrontation arose from its commitment to the Far East Strategic Reserve. A signed treaty to its benefits - the WASP have a tendency to treat signed documents as soiled waste!

      Thus, u should carry that curse all the way to seek yr maker's judgement!

      No tear shakes.

    2. Mfer, l have a lump stucked at my throat that l must cleared vis-a-vis yr pommie/Ozzie malayan fart!

      The Imperial Japanese Army landed at Padang Pak Amat beach Kota Bharu just after midnight on 8 December 1941. Then the small & bicycles transported Japanese soldiers started their Eastward & Southward rampages.

      The coward & dyspeptic British/ozzie troops retreated quickly to Singapore in pronto on 31 January 1942 - in slightly more than ONE month - giving the invading Japanese a hand-downed victory & starting that 3yr 8month Malayan terror

      Yet the Nons, especially the Chinese Malayans, still worked hand-in-gloves with the pommie hiding in S'pore to fight the invading Japanese armies with ill-equipped military armory & facing humongous tolls.

      During that period, the Chinese Malayan, normal & fighting, suffered the most despicable human calamities in hands of the Japanese army.

      Did yr family & heirloom suffered then? Or yr family was one of those profiteering turncoats?

      When the chips were down , the pommie/Aussies stood with Malaysia, when it mattered most!


      Not when their self interests r been threatened. Not when they r fighting a more superior army. Not when reciprocity of a signed treaty demanded such action - yet be very sure these lowlifes would find means to evade the clauses!

      The pommie/Ozzie returned to Malayan after the Japanese defeat in 1945 & promptly acted against their previous partners, whom they had had an agreement for granting independent sovereignty to the locals!
