Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Odd man out: Is Gerakan one better than MCA, MIC put together in Najib’s 1MDB scandal?

Odd man out: Is Gerakan one better than MCA, MIC put together in Najib’s 1MDB scandal?

HATS off to Gerakan president Datuk Dr Dominic Lau Hoe Chai for never feeling out of place co-existing with ultra-Malay political parties in the likes of PAS and Bersatu.

His action for sure has made fellow Penangites who are often perceived to be ‘introverts’ embarrassed for he is seemingly blending par excellence with his party’s “two big brothers” in Perikatan Nasional (PN).

The 56-year-old senator-cum-successor to Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong since November 2018 has probably given Gerakan a lifeline by pledging allegiance to PN despite being the only non-Malay coalition member – and also the smallest one – in the PN coalition.

In a broader sense, history is repeating itself all over again in Malaysian politics with Gerakan in full belief that PN’s chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is not only innocent but has been a victim of the unity government’s selection prosecution.

Call this is a misplaced (or blind) loyalty but surely Gerakan is seen gutsier than MCA and MIC put together in that it ‘visibly’ supports and rallies behind the former premier and Bersatu president who as of yesterday (March 13) has been slapped with a total of seven charges of power abuse, corruption and money laundering.

In retrospect, it has been observed that although both MCA and MIC, too, stood behind now-incarcerated former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Bhd) scandal, there had been second thoughts by some party leaders with support from both parties soon to fizzle out in the aftermath of Barisan Nasional’s (BN) ‘grand defeat” in the 14th General Election (GE14).

Since then – at best – both MCA and MIC are seen distancing themselves from being associated with the 1MDB topic, preferring to let their ‘big brother’ UMNO handle its own mess.

Being a Blue Ocean Strategy practitioner, Lau must have seen something ‘truly valuable’ in the PN coalition for Gerakan’s survival so much so that he harbours no hatred for being left out by PN from contesting in the recently-concluded GE15 (recall how Tian Chua berated PKR for deserting him as Pakatan Harapan’s candidate for the Batu constituency).

On Sunday, Lau even attended Bersatu’s fifth annual general assembly alongside the party’s deputy president Oh Tong Keong amid a ‘red tide’ of 1,041 party delegates.

“As we know, the PN chairman TS Muhyiddin has been brought to court following the accusations made by the unity government. I believe that TS Muhyiddin is oppressed by them because the unity government wants to damage the image of our Abah,” he penned on his Facebook page.

“Therefore, GERAKAN will continue to fight with PN to defend the fate of TS Muhyiddin and also in the upcoming state polls!”

On Saturday (March 11) evening, Lau was spotted at the PAS base in Taman Melewar, Kuala Lumpur attending the “premier solidarity talk” to oppose the oppression against Muhyiddin by the unity government.

Elsewhere, Lau has also in recent times been kept busy having to make appearances alongside other PN leaders – and also PN symphatisers/supporters – at courts and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) headquarters in Putrajaya to rally in solidarity for their ‘beloved Abah’. – March 14, 2023


  1. Dominic Lau and Gelekan serves the same purpose as the handful of high-profile Negroes who appear at Trump rallies , or campaigm advertisements.

    They/he serves to deflect their principal from accusations and allegations that he is Racist, and also give a veneer of appearance of multi-racial support, no matter how thin.

  2. the antics of dominic is what penang lang would call 'twei phui', direct translation, follow fart, the smell of abah's fart is so calming and irresistible to him that he is prepared to follow him everywhere just to chance a sniff, of course he is a nuisance to abah but he is already too intoxicated to care, totally hopeless character
