Monday, March 06, 2023

Netizens criticize PAS over its push to snatch Penang from DAP

Netizens criticize PAS over its push to snatch Penang from DAP

PAS MP Fawwaz Mad Jan has launched a campaign of shock and awe in Penang, calling on 1,000 PAS and Perikatan Nasional (PN) youth to join a ‘green wave’ convoy in Penang, the state controlled by the DAP and the Pakatan Harapan (PH).

In a TikTok message, a campaign published by arcpenang has the following message:

“Get ready everyone!!! Come on PAS and Perikatan Nasional (PN) youths! #Convoy of 1000 young people to capture Penang with the Green Wave. March 11, 2023.”

The TikTok post is accompanied by a poster showing Fawwaz saying the theme of the convoy is ‘green clothing’ as in the colours of the PAS.

However, netizens are expressing surprise at PAS’s campaign to snatch Penang from DAP, as they believe it should have been organised by the PN coalition.

PAS is a member of the PN coalition, and some argue that it should have been the responsibility of the PN to organise such a convoy.

Despite this, PAS has the right to hold rallies with or without the support of its PN partners.

However, the TikTok post associated with the campaign is urging PN supporters to join the convoy, leading some to question the role of the PN in this initiative.

Moreover, @harakahdailyHD on Twitter said:

Terima Kasih anak muda memilih PAS/Perikatan Nasional – PNBEST

Jom Bersama YB Us.Fawwaz Mad Jan,
Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh Konvoi 1000 anak muda tawan Pulau Pinang.#GelombangHijau #HarakahDaily

— HarakahDaily | الحركة (@harakahdailyHD) March 5, 2023

“Thank you young people for choosing PAS/Perikatan Nasional – PNBEST. Come with YB Us. Fawwaz Mad Jan, Member of Parliament for Permatang Pauh Convoy of 1000 young supporters to conquer Penang.”

Meanwhile, user @dli85 who is not happy with the campaign said:

Anak muda ja konvoi, anak muda ja motor.

Itu je ke level anak muda?

Sudah tiba masanya anak Muda melanglah ke hadapan, menolak PAS.

Bangkit & Sedar.

— M (@dli85) March 5, 2023

“Why is it every time youths are seen with convoy and bikes? Is that the level of youth? The time has come for youth to step forward and reject PAS. Wake up & realise.”

Another user @DrRamliZainal said:

Gelap masa depan….jika ni sahaja yang selalu di uar-uarkan oleh pimpinan PAS. Apa matlamat konvoi ini?..@abdulhadiawang @PASPusat @UsFawwazMdJan

— Ramli Zainal, Ph.D. (@DrRamliZainal) March 5, 2023

“The future is dark, if only this is what the PAS leadership is promoting. What is the purpose of this convoy?” — March 5, 2023

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