Thursday, March 16, 2023

Chegubard resorting to attacking my faith, ministry: Hannah Yeoh

Chegubard resorting to attacking my faith, ministry: Hannah Yeoh

Bersatu man couldn’t find any fault with her work, she says

Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh (pic) says Bersatu member Badrul Hisham Shaharin has resorted to personal attacks to condemn her as he cannot find fault with her work in the ministry. – ABDUL RAZAK LATIF/The Vibes pic, March 15, 2023

KUALA LUMPUR – Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh has taken to social media to hit back at Bersatu member Badrul Hisham Shaharin over the latter’s plans to file a police report against her.

Sharing a news report from The Vibes on Twitter, Yeoh said Badrul, also known as Chegubard, has resorted to personal attacks in his condemnation of her role in the ministry, following his claims of her allegedly propagating Christianity to Muslim youths.

“My faith motivates me to work hard everyday to serve Malaysians, putting duty above self,” Yeoh said in the brief posting this evening.

“This Bersatu chap cannot find fault with my work ethic and so he attacks my faith and (ministry’s) agency.”

Earlier today, Badrul said he planned to file the report against Yeoh tomorrow for allegedly proselytising Christianity to Muslim youths through a programme initiated by a company affiliated with her ministry.

He said he would lodge the report at the Dang Wangi police station tomorrow at 10.15am as Yeoh had allegedly lied during her explanation on the Impact Malaysia programme in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday.

“The DAP minister thought that I am afraid of her lodging a police report against me. I have yet to be called by police, but I will instead lodge a police report against her… and if police wish to take my statement or arrest me, I am ready as I am ready to defend Islam,” he said.

In the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, Yeoh explained the initiative was conducted by Impact Integrated, an agency affiliated with her ministry, to visit places of worship – but Muslim youths were not included.

This was contradictory to allegations on social media and chat groups that she was using such programmes to expose Muslim youths to Christianity, said Yeoh.

Yeoh further alleged that it was Bersatu and not PAS members that had been slandering her over alleged evangelism.

The Segambut MP had also lodged a police report against Badrul over his alleged post that she was purportedly proselytising Christianity to Muslim youths through the programme.

A visit to a mosque on March 4 and a gurdwara on March 11 had been organised under Impact Malaysia’s Jom Ziarah programme, where all participants were non-Muslims. – The Vibes, March 15, 2023


  1. Simply put a Cina totok who prays to Guanyin at the ministry and that will be the end of ulterior motives and schemes of the evangelical Christian party.

    1. Yr bomoh tak pakai ke?


      Tambah some spraying of yr zam zam water with loud chants of zombieic verses! These might work to yr fart!

  2. Badrul Hisham Shaharin is a product of ketuananized giatunas!

    So, what do one expects when most of these mediocres & hp6 gotten themselves caught in a tangled underwear situation?

    Resorting back to their deeply meme-ed
    kaum-agama-raja theme. It ALWAYS work for them.
