Saturday, March 11, 2023

Blog shows photos of Mat Sabu with businessman Deepak on 'chicken egg trip'

Blog shows photos of Mat Sabu with businessman Deepak on 'chicken egg trip'

The photos are likely to renew questions raised earlier in Parliament on the supply of chicken eggs from India.

Some of the photos allegedly showing controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan on a flight to India alongside Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu.

A blog has published photographs claiming to show controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan on a flight to India alongside Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu, amid questions about a government contract to a sole company for the supply of eggs from the country.

Pictures posted on the blog "Checkmatebro" also show MIC deputy president M Saravanan seated together with the Amanah leader, known as Mat Sabu.

The shots were claimed to have been taken during their flight to Chennai, India, in January to meet suppliers to address the shortage of chicken eggs in Malaysia.

"Is it true that Mat Sabu took Deepak and Saravanan along to visit the chicken farm in India? If so, why? What was their role?" the blog asked.

MalaysiaNow has been attempting to obtain a response from Mohamad and Deepak, to no avail.

MalaysiaNow has also reached out to Saravanan for comment.

Earlier this month, Mohamad told the Dewan Rakyat that only one company was awarded a special permit to import eggs from India up to June this year.

The move had drawn criticism from MCA president Wee Ka Siong, who questioned the quality of the imported eggs.

Wee's remark, made in the Dewan Rakyat in his capacity as the MP for Ayer Hitam, was followed by a letter of demand from a law firm representing egg importer J&E Advance Tech Sdn Bhd.

Checks with the Companies Commission show two shareholders in the company, Jeena Giri and Shahrizal Ahmad, both holding shares worth a total of RM850,000.

Deepak's name entered the spotlight after his claim that former prime minister Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor were involved in the 2006 murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

He also sued Najib and Rosmah over an alleged conspiracy which he claimed led to him suffering losses.


  1. Deepak is the ultimate chameleon.
    Suck up to Najib and Rosmah when they were riding high, dump them when they were down, now want to suck up to Mat Sabu.

    I suppose you could call him non-partisan Wakakaka....

  2. & mat sabu learning fast to built his retirement net!
