Friday, February 03, 2023

Closing thoughts: Our values define us

Closing thoughts: Our values define us

Letter to Editor

AS the dust settles after the infamous episode of the Malay-only SPM workshop in an elite school in Johor Bahru, I recall one of my favourite bank commercials from many years ago.

It portrayed a young boy excitedly calling his father, “Quickly, quickly!” They stopped in front of a carousel, one of the wonders of the funfair that had come to town.

“Tickets, tickets!” the attendant shouted. “How can I help you, sir?”

“How much for the two of us?”

“A dollar each, and free for kids under the age of five.”

The attendant glanced at the boy. “How old is he?”

“My son is six, here are your two dollars.”

The attendant searched the father’s face. “Mister, you could have told me he was younger. I wouldn’t have known the difference.”

“True,” the father answered, “but he would have known.”

Our values define us.

We, as adults, not only should not attempt to cover up a problem but should not be seen to do so.

I have said to my girls: every problem or challenge presents an opportunity to showcase who we are and what we are made of. In this case, I am afraid that in the manner this matter was handled by the ministry concerned, there was an opportunity lost.

In any matter which arises in future, for the sake of the young who turn to us for example and guidance, may we all do the right thing, always.

Values are the bridge between generations. – Feb 2, 2023

Christopher Ling
Proud father of four Convent girls

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